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定语从句 月份 主题 课次 主体内容 Bonus 1 Bonus 2 Lesson 1 非谓语动词 推特分享 九 月 十 月 健 康 生 活 之 好 好 吃 饭 读 书 Lesson 2 虚拟语气 歌词分享 Lesson 3 完形填空方法论 文常分享 Lesson 4 完形填空刷题 学情分享 Lesson 5 定语从句 推特分享 Lesson 6 名词性从句 歌词分享 Lesson 7 阅读理解方法论 文常分享 作 文 一 句 话 & 周 结 打 卡 基础 难点 基础 难点 从句是干嘛的呢 我听?了?声。 我听?了你说你喜欢她。 SQ是?个奇怪的?。 SQ是?个要薅光我头发的?。 我?刻买了票。 我?听说周杰伦要开演唱会,就买了票。 替代名形副 定语从句 名词从句 状语从句 定语从句 名词从句 状语从句 定语是干嘛的呢 ??师 猿辅导的??师 猿辅导的?英语?师 猿辅导最完整的?英语?师 定语的组成部件 I l ove Moder n Family. Moder n Family is my favorite TV series. I l ove Moder n Family. Moder n Family is my favorite TV series. Among the many dangers which sailors have to face, probably the greatest of all is fog. A. 定语从句 B. 先?词 C. 关系词 We paid a visit to the local museum yester day, where we lear ned a lot about dinosaurs. A. 定语从句 B. 先?词 C. 关系词 The writer whose stor y shows the most imagination was awarded the first prize. A. 定语从句 B. 先?词 C. 关系词 相关知识点呢 that which when who whom where why whose as 第?组 that & w hich 均可在从句中充当主语和宾语(可省略) The Captain is a movie which/that is inspired by a true story. NE ZHA is a movie which/that a lot of Chinese teenagers like. Jason Wu is an actor that a lot of Chinese like. 1、修饰词+先?词+that (修饰词:only、ver y、the best、the first等) 2、先?词(不定代词)+that (不定代词:something、nobody、all、many等) 3、Which/who —— that ——? 4、先?词(?+物)+ that 5、there be 句型中 1. We were impressed by the actors and special effects that we had watched. A. 既有??有物 B. 不定代词 C. 唯?最棒等修饰词 2. Finally, the Deceptions got nothing that they had desired. A. 既有??有物 B. 不定代词 C. 唯?最棒等修饰词 P28 W hen people talk about the historic spots in Beijing, the first comes into mind is the Forbidden City. P28 An ecosystem consists of the living and nonliving things in an area interact with one another. This is the place in which I spent 7 year s lear ning and living. A Little Reunion, which is a controversial TV drama, is welcomed this summer. 第?组 who & whom whom只能作宾语; who不能直接用在介词后; Tr oye Sivan is a singer who (whom) thousands of teenagers like. Tr oye Sivan is a singer who has thousands of teenager fans. SQ


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