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November 17, 1999;Agenda;Introduction to the Digital Economy;Digital Economy;This period is comparable to previous economic upheavals and impacts all industries;Information is becoming the key input, which is changing the way businesses operate and the nature of work; ;Information Technology’s Share of the GDP continues to grow, fueling the Digital Economy;Drivers of the Digital Economy;Advances in technology and improvements in information management are driving digitization;Moore’s Law of Microcomputing;Moore’s Law of Microcomputing;;Greater Storage Capability;Cheaper, Deregulated Telecommunications;Putting it all Together;New Business Practices — Winning in the Digital Economy;The advent of the Digital Economy is altering “traditional” business paradigms;Several characteristics shape the digital economy;In the Digital Economy, consumers will have too many choices, too much information, and far too much complexity to deal with. What they won’t have near enough of is TIME Incorporating Time into your offering will become a primary differentiator of products and services. Understanding and communicating the Time-Value of an offering will be a key to success;Time Value Case Study — Mobil Speedpass;;Content and Container Case Study — GM Onstar;;Monorail’s virtual business model reinvents the nature of competition in the computer business;Intelligent execution - competing on insight;Intelligent Organizations;;Conclusion;即使道路坎坷不平,车轮也要前进;即使江河波涛汹涌,船只也航行。。五月-20五月-20Monday, May 11, 2020 世界会向那些有目标和远见的人让路。。08:42:2608:42:2608:425/11/2020 8:42:26 AM 差之毫厘,谬以千里。—宋·陆九渊。五月-2008:42:2608:42May-2011-May-20 凡能独立工作的人,一定能对自己的工作开辟一条新的路线。。08:42:2608:42:2608:42Monday, May 11, 2020 不把半步、一步积累起来,就不能走到千里远的地方,不把细流汇聚起来,就不能形成江河大海。。五月-20五月-2008:42:2608:42:26May 11, 2020 君子认为说得多做得少是可耻的。。2020-05-118:42 上午五月-20五月-20 你的形象价值百万。。11 五月 20208:42:26 上午08:42:26五月-20 赚钱之道很多,但是找不到赚钱的种子,便成不了事业家。。五月 208:42 上午五月-2008:42May 11, 2020 严禁违章操作,确保安全生产。。2020-05-11 08:42:2608:42:2611 May 2020 军队无放任,学校无放任,此今日世界各共和国之道例。


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