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LEAN Leadership 精益领导力;Business Excellence Model 业务卓越模型;Value Streams / Key Metrics / Lean Physics;;Business Excellence Model Cycle;;Learning to learn; “ If the student does not learn, It’s the teacher’s fault” “教不学,师之惰”;;It is easy to understand, It’s just hard to DO !; Train your people create champions starting with you. 人员培训, 要得到人们的认同和支持 – 先从自己开始 You are the Teacher 你就是老师 Communicate the need for change to everyone. 让大家知道改革的必要。 Make the vision real to everyone. 使人们看到前景的可行性。 Key leaders must participate in the change. Deal with resistance to change 主管人员必须参加改革和协调改革的障碍。 ; Unless we “ do”, we will not know! 我们不去做,将永远不会真正了解。 Change our leadership style as necessary. 如果需要,就要改变我们的领导方式。 Metrics has to be checked daily. 每天要检查和衡量标准。 Plan, Do, Check, Action 计划、启动、衡量、执行。; You must have the knowledge. 必须拥有丰富的 知识。 Start each day with a Standard Work Flow.(A3) 把标准运用到每一天的工作中。 100% involvement. 100%地投入。 Remember where’s True North (direction) 要记住真正的方向。 Batch Focus = Results 批量 = 只得到结果 LEAN process focus = Continuous Improvement 注重精益 流程 = 持续进步 ; LEAN will get us either Better or Worse , No middle ground 精益会带来进步或退步 , 没有中间状态. LEAN is fun rewarding as it involves changing lives. 精益会带来乐趣,改变人生 LEAN disciplines people, thoughts actions in that order. 精益训练个人的思维方式和工作方法。 There is no thinking you are just lucky. 决不能有碰运气的想法。 ;The real value is not in the short term results… it is in creating a structure and people to improve every day towards True North. 真正的价值并不在于短期的效果。。。而在于让每天的工作都朝着精益的方向发展。 Lean can reduce Lead Time 精益能够减少运行时间 “The longer it takes, the more it costs” . “ 耗时越久,成本越高”。 Lean success requires management of process details. 精益的成功需要细节流程的管理。 ;It is improvement without much spending. It is creative thinking waste elimination or process simplification, not capital spending.


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