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毕业设计(论文) 题目:广州丽君服装辅料有限公司 员工激励的探 广州丽君服装辅料有限公司员工激励的探讨 摘要 在针对这一现实问题,本文分析了激励在员工中的重要作用。通过对广州丽君服装 辅料有限公司调查,了解到现代员工对实现民主化管理,能够发表意见和建议、参与决 策的愿望。探讨了公司在不断的发展和壮大中,出现的一些管理上的问题,如:命令式 的管理模式;管理手段落后;管理激励机制不够完善等。因此论文通过研究,提出了相 应的激励措施,如注重以人为本、改善管理手段、健全激励机制等对策,并希望本论文 结论具有一定的现实意义。 关键词:人本管理; 员工激励; 企业文化 ANTOINE GARMENT ACCESSORIES IN GUANGZHOU ORIENTAL BUTTON & FASHION ACCESSORIES CO OF STAFF MOTIVATION ABSTRACT With the rapid economical development, developing and improving the quality of employees are important part of enterprises management. Nowadays, more and more employees are younger in average and better educated, therefore, human resource management requires more humanity and rationalization. This corporate-style management of existing orders runs counter to generate a contradiction. Around this issue, this paper analyzes the incentives as an important role for employees’ management. Through the research, the employees in GuangZhou Oriental Button & Fashion Accessories Co.,Lt prefer to get the democratization of modern management and wish to share decision-making. The company has some management problems in the development, such as: command-style management model has been increasingly user-friendly alternative mode of management; management with a lack of expertise, backward in management; and unreasonable incentive management. A basic proposed of reasonable incentive is tended to serve as a way for GuangZhou Oriental Button & Fashion Accessories Co.,Lt, which is based on improving incentive mechanism, focusing on people-oriented and spiritual motivation, and promoting the comprehensive development. Key wor


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