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Function: Provide network structure 提供网络结构 Provide system state 提供系统实际运行状态 Identify bad measurement data 识别测量坏数据 Identify erroneous status information 识别错误状态信息;State Estimation 状态估计包含;9.3 bad data detection and identification 坏数据的检测与识别 contaminate submerge;Observability detectability and identifiability 可观测性、可检测性、可识别性;Example: A measurement system with m(=14) measurements. The number of state variables is n (=7) 1 2 4 3;9.3.1不良数据检测与辨识基本原理 the basic principles of bad data detection and identification ;Since the rank of residual sensitivity matrix is m-n<m, the equation can not be solved to find v. However, some suspicious measurement can be judged. 残差灵敏度矩阵的秩为m-n, 不能求解出v. 但可以判断出一些可疑量测。 ri =wi Wii ×   vi ;The degree of interaction is ascertained by the magnitude of element Wi,k . Only if the diagonal element of matrix W is largest in its row,the residual can correctly reflect corresponding error. 相互影响程度,由灵敏度矩阵Wi,k的大小来确定。只有W矩阵对角占优, 残差才能反映误差的大小。 W is related to network configuration as well as measurement system allocation. At the place of poor measurement allocation, diagonal element may not be lager. In the extreme condition, m=n, and r=0. W和与电网结构和量测配置有关,量测配置薄弱的地方甚至无优势,极限情况m=n, 残差r=0。 The ith error will affect other residuals according to wji 第 i 个误差将会依据wji的大小影响其它残差 ;9.3.2 detection method 不良数据的检测方法; Primary detection in SCAD 粗 检测 The evident bad data can be removed by limit value detection, as example, the voltage value of 1.4p.u. SCADA中进行极限值检测,去掉明显不良数据,如电压功率明显偏大; Detection by residual: 残差检测: Weighted residual 加权残差 rw=R-1/2r |rw,i|≥εw,i εw,i is the threshold of weighted residual 加权残差检测的门槛值,Ri=σi2  is the measurement variance. The larger the variance, the smaller part th


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