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人力资源管理与企业战略;Distinctive human resources are firms core competencies;SHRM is the linking of HRM with strategic goals and objectives in order to improve business performance and develop organizational cultures that foster innovation and flexibility. SHRM is the pattern of planned human resource deployment and activities intended to enable an organization to achieve its goals. Strategic human resources management is largely about integration and adaptation. Its concern is to ensure that: (1) human resources (HR) management is fully integrated with the strategy and the strategic needs of the firm; (2) HR policies cohere both across policy areas and across hierarchies; and (3) HR practices are adjusted, accepted, and used by line managers and employees as part of their everyday work.;The 5-P Model;Pepsi-Cola International’s strategy;PCI’s strategic business objectives;Human Resources Policies Expressed as shared values (guidelines);1. HUMAN RESOURCES PHILOSOPHY;A statement of the culture at PCI;LEADERSHIP IN OUR BRANDS;LEADERSHIP IN OPERATIONS;2. HUMAN RESOURCES POLICIES;HR policy can link values with a particular people-related business need;3. HUMAN RESOURCES PROGRAMS;Generic questions help to identify the fundamental issues for programs;4. HUMAN RESOURCES PRACTICES;MANAGERIAL ROLES;5. HUMAN RESOURCES PROCESSES;Strategy - HR fit: ;;;The system architecture level (consists of the guiding principles);水不撩不知深浅,人不拼怎知输赢。。五月-20五月-20Wednesday, May 13, 2020 坚持下去,成功就在下一个街角处等着你。。16:08:2316:08:2316:085/13/2020 4:08:23 PM 人,一简单就快乐,但快乐的人寥寥无几;一复杂就痛苦,可痛苦的人却熙熙攘攘。。五月-2016:08:2316:08May-2013-May-20 安全编织幸福花环,违章酿成悔恨苦酒。。16:08:2316:08:2316:08Wednesday, May 13, 2020 不团结一致认准一个方向,万众一心铁定一个思想。。五月-20五月-2016:08:2316:08:23May 13, 2020 千方百计请一个高招的专家医生,还不如请一个随叫随到且价格便宜的江湖郎中。。2020-05-134:08 下午五月-20五月-20 自己不喜欢的人,可以报之以沉默微笑;自己喜欢的人,那就随便怎么样了,因为你的喜爱会挡也挡不住地流露出来。。13 五月 20204:08:23 下午16:08:23五月-20 我们不能做到青春活得不留遗憾,但要做到在青春里活得心安。。五月 204:08 下午五月-2016:08May 13, 2020 淘宝网的主业决不该放在与对手的竞争上,而是把眼睛盯在提升客户体验上。。2020-05-13 16:08:


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