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2008年地震英语作文素材参考   2008年5月日14时28分04.0秒,四川汶川县发生m[里氏]8.0级地震,震中位于北纬31.0度,东经103.4度。这次地震是中国建国以来最大的一次。   a major earthquake measuring 8.0 richter scale attacked wenchuan county of sichuan province at 14:28:04 on may 2008. the epicenter of the quake was located 31.0 degrees north latitude and 103.4 degrees east longitude. it is believed to be the largest earthquake since 1949.   水电站 hydroelectric plant   次生地质灾害 secondary geological disaster   堰塞湖 quake lake,barrier lake,dammed lake   山体滑坡 mountain landslide   残奥会 paralympic games   生命探测仪 life detection instrument   在2008年5月日之前你可能没听说过汶川这个地方,但这之后“汶川地震”都会是几代中国人无法忘记的名词。   you may never heard about wenchuan befor may 2008, but the word "wenchuan earthquake" will never be forgotten by the chinese people.   2008年5月19日至21日期间,全国和各驻外机构下半旗志哀,停止公共娱乐活动,外交部和我国驻外使领馆设立吊唁簿。5月19日14时28分起,全国人民默哀3分钟,届时汽车、火车、舰船鸣笛,防空警报鸣响。   from may 19 through 21, all national flags will fly at half-mast at home and chinese diplomatic missions abroad. during this period, all public amusement will be suspended, and condolence books will be opened in china's foreign ministry and chinese embassies and consulates around the world. at 2:28 p.m. 19 may, chinese citizens nationwide will stand in silence for three minutes to mourn for the victims, while air raid sirens and horns of automobiles, trains and ships will wail in grief.   无数的灾难片中,直升机绝对是极好的求援工具。今天的“直升机”觉得特别的神圣,它承载的是生命的希望,被亲切的称为“吉祥鸟”。   『该文章由(第一§范┆文网)整理,版权归原作者、原出处所有。』   in many disaster films, helicopter is the first choice for rescue activity, and it is more grand today. as the hope of life, a helicopter is often called a "lucky bird".   是中国半个世纪历史上可以数得出的难过日,全体国人化悲痛为力量的情怀,在这一日也空前高涨:“中国,加油!”“四川,加油!”不管未来怎样,这一日受到的震撼,给70、80、90后年轻一代上了绝对难忘的一课。   this day is among the saddest ones which we could count by our hands in new china's history. the determination of converting sorrows into strength of all the chinese people are rising:"china,come on!""sichuan,come on!" no matt


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