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2010南非世界杯主办城市介绍之约翰内斯堡   2010年南非世界杯即将拉开帷幕,各参赛队伍整装待战,主办城市也焕然一新,迎接五湖四海的球迷的到来。今天,我为您简要介绍一下主办城市之一的约翰内斯堡,希望大家在娱乐中也能学到知识,有所收获。   province: gauteng province   所在省:豪登省   population: 3,2 million   人口:320万   geography: located on the eastern high-lying plateau in south africa   地理位置:地处南非东部高原   climate: dry with winter temperatures ranging from 24°-16°c. summer is temperate with temperatures exceeding 30°c and afternoon thundershowers.   气候:气候干燥。冬季温度在16到24摄氏度之间。夏季温度超过30度,并且午后经常会有雷阵雨。   key economic sectors: retail, finance   经济支柱产业:零售业,金融业。   johannesburg or the city of gold, as the city is known in south africa, is the business hub of south africa, contributing a substantial part of the country's gdp approximately %. the city is home to two of the country's most popular football teams and historical arch-rivals, kaizer chiefs and orlando pirates. johannesburg is also known as the economic engine of southern africa and the trendsetter of south africa. it is a melting pot laced with all the flavours of african cultures and beyond.   约翰内斯堡在南非被称作黄金城,是南非的商业中心,在全国的经济地位举足轻重,其生产总值约占国内生产总值的%。约翰内斯堡是国内最著名的两支球队-凯泽酋长与奥兰多海盗的所在城市,同时这两支球队也是历史上的夙敌。约翰内斯堡也被称作是南非的经济的发动机和领头羊。它是个社会大熔炉,融合了非洲国家以及世界各国的文化特色。   despite the hustle and bustle of the big city, jo'burg is unexpectedly green and orientated towards outdoor living. it has a wealth of trees creating an 'urban forest', and many of the trees are located in the 2328 parks.   除了大城市的喧闹拥挤,约翰内斯堡还贴别崇尚绿色,人们倾心于户外活动。约翰内斯堡市内有大面积的树,形成了"城市森林",其中很大一部分树种在全市的2328座公园里。   cultural wealth is also in abundance, with a host of interesting museums including the apartheid museum, constitution hill and the world acclaimed soweto. the mai mai market is the oldest market in johannesburg and is a great place to discover traditional remedies. but more than that, johannesburg has become a truly african city, melding disparate people from across the continent.   约翰内斯堡也有着丰厚的文化底蕴,有大量妙趣横生的博物馆,包括种族隔离博物馆、宪法丘,以及世界著名的索韦托。mai mai市场是约翰内斯堡


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