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搅拌器选型原理 搅拌器选型原理 加强生化处理 防止底部沉淀 防止短路 完全搅拌 防止分层 防止沉淀 体积流形成 体积流形成 螺旋桨推力形成体积流 稳定的体积流 稳定的体积流 总损失系数 墙壁摩擦 转角和角落 障碍物 搅拌器位置 跑道型 转角损失 曝气头 曝气器形成的障碍 气柱形成的气墙 曝气头形式 曝器头区域设计 曝气头区域数量 气量 体积流区域 跑道型 其他池型 介质的影响 MIDS中 国产搅拌器 支架强度核算 处理需要 搅拌作用 平均射流速度 V射流=0,30 m/s 初始流 总体积流 初始流不是主要的参数。 螺旋桨推力 (N) 形成体积流 F (N) 加速的体积流 稳定的体积流 V体积流 时间 F (N) 总流动损失 螺旋桨推力 F ktot v体积流 2 螺旋桨推力 总损失系数 比例 (k1+ k2+ k3+.......) 转角 墙摩擦 曝气头 k=1,5 宽 高 50m 6m 6m H=4m 1 组Sanitaire曝气头, 20% 覆盖区域 2 台 4430 相同原理.... 粘度影响 颗粒物沉降速度的影响 颗粒物比重的影响 颗粒物浓度的影响 温度影响 通过MIDS支架强度核算系统 核算两支点长度=实际池深 导杆每大于6m,至少加1个中间支承 In a tank, the consequence of the entrainment is that it抯 possible to create a bulk flow in the tank that is much, much larger than the primary flow through the propeller. A bulk flow 15-20 times larger than the primary flow is a quite ordinary figure. There are two main factors to take into consideration to maximize the bulk flow in the tank using a given mixer..................... Supplementary reading: From this discussion it抯 evident that the primary flow through the propller is not the governing parameter for how large a bulk flow that can be generated in the tank. In a tank, the consequence of the entrainment is that it抯 possible to create a bulk flow in the tank that is much, much larger than the primary flow through the propeller. A bulk flow 15-20 times larger than the primary flow is a quite ordinary figure. There are two main factors to take into consideration to maximize the bulk flow in the tank using a given mixer..................... Supplementary reading: From this discussion it抯 evident that the primary flow through the propller is not the governing parameter for how large a bulk flow that can be generated in the tank.


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