陕西西安灞桥智慧城 EDAW 易道.ppt

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专案目标 Project Goals 专案目标 Project Goals 宜人的居住環境 People to Live 吸引人的商務投資環境 Business to Invest 良好的旅遊環境 Vistors to Enjoy 優美的天然環境 Nature to Thrive 濃郁的人文氣息 Cultures to Celebrate 愿景 Vision Statement 提供給人們更多親近自然與親水的機會 Bringing people closer to nature and the river 提供豐富多彩的親水體驗 Creating a variety of different experiences related to the water 創造不同類型的水體 Creating different types of water bodies 把水體引入城市,將城市脈絡延伸至水體 Finding opportunities to bring water into the city and the city to the water 利用水體為城市空間重新注入活力 Using water to re-energize and bring life back into the city 修復水岸受破壞的景觀 Restoring damaged landscapes along the water 為天然資源創造可持續性發展潛力 Developing sustainable economic roles for natural resources 強調與保護通向水體的主要視線走廊 Identifying and protect vital view corridors to the water 將城市景觀與河道走廊連接起來 Connecting Urban Landscapes to the river corridor 創造親水大環境 Celebrate the Water 总体规划策略 Master Plan Strategies 灞河新城 Urban Grid River Islands Bring the City to the River Connect Urban Grid to River Create CBD as Town Center Support CBD with Residential and Mixed Use Development Riverfront Cultural Entertainment District Distinct River ResidentialPark front Residential Industrial Park and Corporate Campus Areas as Buffer Axial Connection to Ecological Preserve and Gateway Triangle Habitat Islands as the Community Icons Northern Parcel: Tourism, Convention and Commercial Expansion Opportunities Bring the River into the City CBD as Gateway Support CBD with Residential and Mixed Use Development Showcase Cultural/Civic/Entertainment along Waterfront Distinct Residential Zones on Internal Lakes Southern District Corporate Campus Zone with Multi-Modal Station and Golf Conference Center Industrial Park as Buffer Organic Road Structure Northern Parcel: Tourism, Convention and Commercial Expansion Opportunities 湖畔田园 Garden City Chain of Lakes 景观设计策略 Landscape Strategies 设计策略 Design Strategies Goals: Utilizing the Natural qualities of the river and site in a meaningful way Synthes


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