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Exercises;Unit 5: Reading comprehension;Unit 5: Reading comprehension;Unit 5: Reading comprehension;Unit 5: Reading comprehension;Unit 5: Reading comprehension;Unit 5: Reading comprehension;Unit 5: Reading comprehension;Ex. II, p.67;The appliances “smarter than most of their owners” are actually_________________________ and should be ____________________ ;Body (Paras. 3–9) Why the author strongly opposes the idea that appliances are “smarter than most of their owners”.;Body (Paras. 3–9) Why the author strongly opposes the idea that appliances are “smarter than most of their owners”.;Text Outline;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Part B, Ex. V, pp.156~157 Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Unit 5: Vocabulary;Ex. VI, p.70 Choose an appropriate word from the following list to fill in each of the following blanks. Each word can be used only ONCE. Change the word form where necessary.;advance;advance;advance;Part A, Ex. VIII, p.71 Translate the following sentences into English.;2. 他关心国家大事,每天都看报纸。;3. 谈到高速攀升的房价,,舆论普遍认为无论政府还是房地产商都难逃其责。 ;4. 在随意参观当地二手书店的时候,我看到原来越多从图书馆流失出来的图书。;5. 即使你读了用户手册,也不能开动你的洗衣机。;6. 这个职位有很多人申请, 所以你和人事主管联系之前,你得先想出自己有什么特别之处。;7. 这外交部长迅速地采取了一种更加温和的论调,人们普便认为这至少暂时挽救了他岌岌可危的政治生涯。;8. 人类历史已经反复证明伟人经常不为他人理解,更糟糕的是被他人误解。;9. 这种紧张情绪很快感染了人群中所有的人,我们都屏住呼吸观看究竟会发生什么。;10. 为了核实被告是否承认了所有的罪行,法庭决定让他与证人对质。;1) From my own experience, practical play exposes all sorts of weaknesses and strengths in my play that are hidden during preparation. ;2) On top of that, all his games were accessible to the Deep Blue team, while he was in the dark about Deep Blue.;3) Humans, too, play weaker in unfamiliar situations and thou


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