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1.is - 2.are - 3.do - 4.have - 5.go - 6.eat - 7.see - 8.say - 9.take - 10.find - 11.lose - 12.buy - 13.wear - 14.speak - 15.read - 16.put - 17.cut - 18.understand - Key words & expressions ? appointment n. 约会,预约 ? urgent adj. 紧急的,急迫的 ? till prep. 只到 … 为止 1. appointment n. 约会,预约 have an appointment with sb I have an appointment with Mr. Lee at 3 p.m. appointment 公事的,日程表上的约见 date 私人的约会 I have a date today. 2. urgent adj. 紧急的,急迫的 urgently adv. urgent meeting We have an urgent thing to do right now. 3. till prep. 只到 … 为止 The rain may last till Friday. Wait till I call you. until 只到 … 为止 (是 till 的强调形式) Ill wait for you until 3 oclock. Good morning, Mr. Croft. Good morning, nurse. I want to see the dentist, please. doctor 医生 physician 内科医生 surgeon 外科医生 I want to see sb. , please 这一句式是表示想见某人时常用的句式。 Sentences Do you have an appointment? No, I dont. 文化背景: 西方国家一般看病都不是去大医院,而去私人医院, 医生很忙需要接待很多病人,只能安排好时间, 按预约时刻去看病,其他时间一般没办法看病。 Is it urgent? Yes, it is. Its very urgent. I feel awful. feel 感官动词 + 形容词 感官动词: look, feel, sound, smell, taste awful = terrible awesome = very good I have a terrible toothache. have: 小强动词 有,吃,喝,得了 … 病 等 toothache: headache, earache, stomach ach flu, a temperature, the measles, chicken pox, mumps Can you come at 10 a.m. on Monday, April 24th? 时间的表述:从小到大 at + 几点几分 , on + 星期 , 月 + 日 (序数词) 五月二十日,星期五,下午 3 点 at 3 p.m., on Friday, May 20th 八月二十一日,星期三,晚上 7 点 at 7 p.m., on Wednesday, Aug. 21st I must see the dentist now, nurse. The dentist is very busy at the moment. must, 必须 语气比 I want to do sth. 强烈 at the moment = at this minute = now = right now Can you come at 2 p.m.? Thats very late. Can the dentist see me now? Im afraid that he cant, Mr. Croft. Can you …? 你可不可以? Could you …? (语气委婉) afraid 形容词 adj. 1. 害怕的 , 怕的 [(+of)] [+to+v] [+(that)] Don‘t be afraid of snakes. It seems that she is afraid to tell them about it. She was afraid that she might lose her job. 2. ( 用于 , 告诉不好的消息等场合 , 使语气婉转 ) 恐怕 , 遗憾 [+(that)] I‘m af


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