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烟的由来 古率 人并不吸烟,也不知道烟草这种植 夏来他波回改洲,把烟草的事儿对 方氵 全经路烟址每锋峰在平 用嘴叼 端,将男一端方在灭焰的 久入 次常烟叶正痛 镜;个词就来自这个人的名学 大 Marlboro cigarettes origin: poor background the boy and the girl cant love each other rich in farewell before he asked her one final thing, accompanied by his side a box of smoke of time she agreed. So he smoke, while memories and her love and memories. Later he became a cigarette factory boss. Cigarette is the name of marlboro 万宝路香烟的由来:穷背景男孩和有家 女孩无法相爱,在告别前他拜托她最后一 件事,陪在他身边一盒烟时间,她答应了 于是他一边抽烟,一边回忆和她相爱的日子 和回忆。后来他成了香烟厂老板。香烟的 名字叫“mar|boro Man Always Remember Love Because of Romance overt(男人只因浪漫而牢记爱情) Marlboro Introduction: Marlboro (Marlboro) is a cigarette brands, by the worlds largest tobacco company Philip Morris (Philip morris) manufacturing, is one of the best-selling cigarette brands in the world. The brand last independent registered in the United Statesthe name marlboro originated in the United Kingdom Marlboro in 1924, was born in the United states. To the late 1970s. the mar lboro than all other cigarette brand in the world, to become the world first brand of cigarette sales, annual sales of 9 million big box, sales in more than 100 countries and regions. MarLboro 简介:万宝路( Marlboro)是一个香烟品牌,由世界第 大烟草公司菲利普·莫里斯( Philip morris)制造,是世界 上最畅销的香烟品牌 品牌名称“万宝路”起源于英 国,最后在美国独立注册。1924年,“万宝路”在美国诞 生。至20世纪70年代末,“万宝路”超过了世界上其他所 有品牌卷烟,成为全球销量第一的卷烟品牌,年销量达 900万大箱、销售足迹遍布100多个国家和地区。


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