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第二十一集 Mother,just once, can we go to lunch... 妈妈,能不能就那么一次,我们 一起吃饭时 ...and not talk about what Im wearing or where my career is going? 你不要谈论我的衣着和我的工作 Or who Im dating. 包括我和谁约会 -Ready for the check? -God,yes. -准备好买单了? -天 ,是的 -Ill take it. -No,darling. -我来吧. -不,亲爱的 I said Ill take it. Here,take it. Go. Run. 我说了我来.这里,拿着,走,跑 Very sweet. 真甜蜜啊 -And on what they pay you -Career. -他们到底为什么给你工钱. - 工作 You dont have to worry about me. Im doing fine. 你不用担心我.我做 的很好 Im afraid this has been denied. 我想这张卡被禁用了 Thats impossible. 这不可能 Thats all right,dear. Here you go. 好吧,亲爱的,用这张吧 The One With The Fake Monica 六人行 第 1 季 第 21 集 假莫妮卡 Howd someone get your card number? 怎么会有人知道你的信用卡 号码? No idea. Look how much they spent. 我也不知道,你看他们花了多少 钱 You only have to pay for the stuff you bought. 你只须付你所买的东西 Still,its just such reckless spending. 我知道,他真是挥霍无度 When somebody steals... 我想他偷去你的信用卡时 ...theyve already thrown caution to the wind. 根本就已忘了王法 Wow,what a geek. They spent $69. 95 on a Wonder Mop. 真是个变态, 花了 69.95 元买“神奇拖把” Thats me. 我买的 You see,when I say geek,I mean 你看,我说变态,我的意思是 The hell with it,you bought a $70 mop,youre a geek. 怎么回事,你花 了 70 块买一把拖把,你是个变态 Oh,yuck. Ross,hes doing it again. 哦,讨厌. 斯,他又这么干了 Marcel,stop humping the lamp. 马修,别再侵犯那盏灯了 Stop humping. Now,Marcel,come Come here,Marcel. 停止侵犯.现在马, 修,过来,马修 Oh,no. Not in my room. Ill get him. 不,又到我房里了,我去抓它出来 Youve got to do something about that. 斯,你得想办法阻止 What? Its just a phase. 什么?这只是个阶段 Well,thats what we said about Joey. 我们当时也是这么说乔伊的 Youd think you would be more understanding. 你们能多给点理解吗? I know. But were not. 我明白.可是我们不能 Would you all relax? Its not that big a deal. 你们冷静点行吗?这又没 什么了不起 -Marcel,stop it. Marcel. Bad monkey. -What? -马修,停,坏猴子 - 又怎么了? Lets say my Curious George is no longer c


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