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Cisco个案分析 e-Finance 原结算周期为14天 Solution: Virtual Close - “不间断的监控和分析业务系统中的核心数据。” Results: 结算周期缩短为一天 成本降低50% 每日统计 订单, 营业额, 折扣, 毛利, 合同状态 面临挑战 解决方案 实施结果 Cisco个案分析 高级主管信息系统 Selection Choice of Day 高级主管信息系统 查阅下属员工详细信息 Bookings down to the account manager 财务总监: 个性化财经之窗 Cisco个案分析 差旅费管理 40,000+ 员工 审计差错 4周的报销周期 Solution: 在线差旅费管理工具 - Metro Results: 报销周期缩短为3天 处理和审计人员 = 4 每笔报销的费用从$50降低多 $3 面临挑战 解决方案 实施效果 Cisco个案分析 办公设备的采购 交易数量增长迅速 用户满意度低 要求提高20% 的生产效率 Solution: 采用集成的在线采购 Results: 采购成本降低了一半 平均每笔交易从$76 降到 $36 自动的工作流审批 每年减少开支 +$1.08亿 面临挑战 解决方案 实施效果 Cisco个案分析 e-HR 为4万员工提供可扩展的人事服务 与公司的招聘, 期权, 福利系统集成 主动离职的员工减少了50% (现为 3%) 2001年 – 4天内给3万5千人授予了期权 面临挑战 解决方案 实施效果 Cisco个案分析 E-Learning 数百种产品 40,000+ 员工 收购公司超过70家 每天3千万美元的销售额 网上培训套件 节约开支40--60% 80% 的培训在网上 培训时间缩短了80% 缩短了新产品的开发周期 面临挑战 解决方案 实施效果 * ? 2001, Cybics, Inc. * ? 2001, Cybics, Inc. In the Workforce Optimization model, by providing information and access directly to the personnel that are affected, traditional administrative staff can now focus on working more closely with those constituents and provide a true value-add, not just data entry. We feel that the Internet can have an equally profound impact on your internal operations as it has had on the external relationships. Today, we will show you why we think that companies who use the internet to optimize their workforces performance can achieve significant competitive advantages. 课件 课件 课件 Workforce Optimization is defined as the combinations of applications and practices that you see on this slide. Empowerment a much overused word over the last few years; however, Cisco has designed and deployed key applications that empower our employees to make key decisions (to be empowered you need just in time accurate information and the authority and accountability to make decisions) Cisco fosters an Internet culture which optimizes all internet solutions. WO of course does focus on webify-ing administrative tasks A major thrust is to create


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