Module 8 Unit 3 外研版英语八年级上册课时练习.docxVIP

Module 8 Unit 3 外研版英语八年级上册课时练习.docx

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Unit 3 Language in use 基础知识回顾 Ⅰ.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1.I tried my best to open ( open ) the door once more,but I failed again.? 2.I did  worse ( bad ) than Mary in the English exam because I made more mistakes.? 3.While Tom  was listening ( listen ) to music,his mother was cooking.? 4.Charles  fell ( fall ) off his horse last week.? 5.My son promised  to be ( be ) careful with his tests next time.? Ⅱ.根据句意用when或while填空 1.The woman saw a taxi coming  while/when  she was waiting near the street light.? 2.The weather was fine when we were in Beijing.? 3.Don’t talk so loudly while/when others are working.? 4.The students were talking when the teacher came into the classroom.? 5. While  I was sleeping,my parents were watching TV.? Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.他太累了以至于在客厅睡着了。 He was so tired that he fell   asleep  in the living room.? 2.他没有吃早饭就去上学了。 He went to school without   eating/having breakfast.? 3.像往常一样,格林一家昨天这个时候正在公园散步。  As   usual ,the Greens were walking in the park at this time yesterday.? 4.这个老人正痛苦地躺在病床上。 The old man was lying on the hospital bed  in   pain .? 5.我们应该注意这些事,这样才能保持健康。 We should  pay   attention  to these things,so as to keep healthy.? Ⅳ.按要求完成句子,每空一词 1.They were playing games when I came yesterday.( 改为否定句 ) They weren’t   playing games when I came yesterday.? 2.We were having a meeting when it began to rain.( 对画线部分提问 )?  What   were   you   doing when it began to rain?? 3.I have to take the medicine twice a day.( 对画线部分提问 )?  How   often do you have to take the medicine?? 4.He hurried to hospital.( 改为同义句 ) He went to hospital  in   a   hurry .? 5.People can use email to send messages.( 改为同义句 ) People can send messages by email.? 综合能力提升 Ⅰ.单项填空 ( A )1.—How long will you stay here? —     I finish my work,I’ll go back home.? A.As soon as B.While C.Unless D.Before ( A )2.A dog suddenly bit Jack     the leg while he was walking home yesterday.? A.on B.for D.with ( B )3.Jenny    in the kitchen when you called her at 5 o’clock this afternoon


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