Carl Sandburg英美文学课件.ppt

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;;Brief Introduction;Name: Carl Sandburg Born: January 6,1878 in Galesburg, Illinois[,ilin?i(z)] Died: July 22, 1967 (aged?89) Occupation: Journalist, author Nationality: American Ethnicity [eθn?s?t?]: Swedish Notable award(s): Three Pulitzer Prizes Spouse(s)[spa?z; -s]: Lilian Steichen ;;Galesburg, Illinois;;Carl Sanburg s house where he lived while he wrote the poem Chicago. Now a Chicago landmark. ;1878: Born on Jan. 6 in Galesburg, Illinois, second child and eldest son of August and Clara Sandburg. 1891: Leaves school after eighth grade. Works as a newsboy, a milk delivery boy, and, in subsequent years, as a barbershop shoeshine(擦鞋) boy and milkman. 1898: Paints houses in Galesburg and on April 26 enlists(入伍、从军)in Illinois Volunteers. Serves as a private(二等兵) in Puerto Rico(波多黎各) during Spanish-American War. Returns to Galesburg, enrolls as a special student at Lombard[l?mb?d] College, Galesburg.;; 1899: Appointed to West Point but fails written examination in grammar and arithmetic [?r?θm?t?k]. Enters Lombard College. Serves in town fire department and as a school janitor(守卫). 1904: Writes “Inklings Idlings[aidli?]” articles in Galesburg Evening Mail, using the pseudonym[sju?d?n?m](笔名、假名)of Crimson. The first poetry and a few prose pieces published as a booklet. 1914: Returns to The Day Book. Poems published in March issue of Poetry: A Magazine of Verse. Wins Helen Haire Levinson Prize for best poems of the year. Moves to Maywood, a Chicago suburb[s?b??b](郊区). ;1919 –1930: Sandburg wrote three childrens books in Elmhurst(埃尔姆赫斯特), Rootabaga Stories, in 1922, followed by Rootabaga Pigeons (1923), and Potato Face (1930). Sandburg also wrote Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie [pre?r?] Years, a two volume biography in 1926, The American Songbag (1927), and a book of poems



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