模块二unit 1 重要词汇讲解.doc

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PAGE 6 必修二Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained (Ⅰ)单词拼写 1.If headaches only __________ (发生) at night, lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause. 3.I just _________(认为) that the woman standing next to Jack was his wife, but later I knew I made a mistake. 4.Just _______(不予考虑) those thoughts from your mind — they're crazy and not worth thinking about. 5.—I even can't see the words on the blackboard clearly! —Really? Your eyes need ___________ (检查). 6.—I think that Johnson is not fit for the position of monitor of our class. —That's it — he even doesn't know how to _____________ (组织) class meetings. 7.If you get there early,_____________ (预留) a seat for me. 8.It's fortunate that all of the family ____________(幸存) the terrible earthquake. 9.You have misunderstood Mark — he is not laughing at you; it is American _____________ (幽默). 10.Though there are no other______________(目击者), Lucy insists she saw a man in the yard that night. (Ⅱ)用所给词的适当形式填空 1.The bridge designed by the famous architect is under ___________(construct) now. 2.The driver of the truck suffered only minor _____________ (injure) to his legs and arms. 3.The forecast said that there's a ____________ (possible) of snow tonight. 4.Paul threw paint over the fur coats because he wanted to make a ____________(state) about cruelty to animals. 5.When I came in that evening, the door of Newton's sitting room was open and through it came ___________ (laugh), cheers, and television music. 6.This room is twice the ___________ (long) of the other, but much narrower. 7.The sea is very cold and it requires great __________(strong) of mind to get in. 8.The visit to Disneyland in California with my family was an ________(amaze) experience, one I shall never forget. (Ⅲ)语境填词 1.Do you believe in the _________ of ghosts? I don't believe they ______ (exist) 2.It's a _________ speech and I'm __________ that many people will benefit from it. (convince) 3.The ________look on her face shows that she is _________ about the ______


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