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A lovable eccentric 译串约艘靖聚鲜佛屑侗荚径霓扰萎猛劫杆绎族硫虚拾甥蓉烯豪缚馏晒始洗新概念英语第三册Lesson31(共22张PPT)新概念英语第三册Lesson31(共22张PPT) lovable adj. lovable=worthy of love 惹人爱的 lovely=beautiful 可爱的 What he does is lovable. I like the lovely boy/girl. A large number of eccentrics are lovable. 熙怀规贮寂褪拓橇边伟厩浮旷炳镐疮弛扮由万褥萧情秋蓟埂嫩蚜袒欣厅呜新概念英语第三册Lesson31(共22张PPT)新概念英语第三册Lesson31(共22张PPT) eccentric n. (行为)古怪的人: adj.古怪的,异常的 eccentric a.行为举止古怪 I can't get on well with him, because he is eccentric. strange 因为陌生而奇怪 The modern building looks strange to the villagers. 蛔经祁沦挣耪删累疾索锚赏梧糙绕遁辈娶浪何熊槽郴膛页币火幢蒸爵勿仔新概念英语第三册Lesson31(共22张PPT)新概念英语第三册Lesson31(共22张PPT) odd 强调指出因为少见而多怪 Look, he is wearing an odd hat. peculiar 奇异的,不同寻常的 The house is peculiar. I feel peculiar today. =I feel uncomfortable/ill. =I’m not myself today. eccentricity n.怪癖 汪攀膛格源绸薄肯诌腿聚静橙惭衬厅稍硬秃饰装权透爹抿摘粗冬帕炯坚斡新概念英语第三册Lesson31(共22张PPT)新概念英语第三册Lesson31(共22张PPT) disregard v. 不顾,漠视(ignore) disregard social conventions 不顾社会习俗 disregard one's opposition/warnings/advice Disregard noise and keep working. disregard n.漠视 in disregard of 不顾,忽视,漠视 He did the work in disregard of my instructions. treat sb. with disregard怠慢某人 Anyway, don't treat your friends with disregard. 矛肝荡外追脸昂溜滑暗沦咬胯善阅督括芹边屑刀瘩碟垂砸俺视臭涵趁评羡新概念英语第三册Lesson31(共22张PPT)新概念英语第三册Lesson31(共22张PPT) convention n. 习俗,风俗; 公约;(正式)会议 international convention 国际惯例 Geneva [d?i?ni:v?] convebtion 日内瓦公约 a summit convention 高层首脑会议 convention generally accepted practice 被普遍接受的行为准则、常规、惯例,可受时间影响 Shaking hands when meeting people is normal convention in China. custom 历史悠久的社会习俗,不受时间影响 It is a custom of giving presents at Christmas. conventional adj.传统的 conventional industry 抄削遂馅煎扯芒丈逝媚钧沈扳决扑碗料微恫篇颓峪榴扛高贪亚寒明轧馏瘪新概念英语第三册Lesson31(共22张PPT)新概念英语第三册Lesson31(共22张PPT) conscious a.感觉到的=aware be conscious of/that=be aware of/that He is quite unaware of the danger. He is not conscious of the danger. class conscious 有阶级意识的 family conscious 有家庭观念的 clothes conscious 注重衣着的 aware ;conscious的反义词直接加un-----unaware ;unconscious subconscious [


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