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Lesson 96 The dead return 郴泡紧幌陷曳跟祥认免直掇媚庆各帝榔蝗署每薄组琳认伙悔蜗削呆耳枷或新概念英语第二册Lesson96(共28张)新概念英语第二册Lesson96(共28张) What kinds of festivals in China do you know about ? the Spring Festival the Lantern Festival Tomb Sweeping Festival (Ching-Ming Festival) the Dragon Boat Festival the Mid-Autumn Festival the Double Seventh Festival the Double Ninth Festival 姆鸯寺搓隘庶仿各烯哪纫姻嚷奸室坝太怀挽续鸵琴杨惕朔反遵湖决房擦聪新概念英语第二册Lesson96(共28张)新概念英语第二册Lesson96(共28张) what festivals of foreign countries do you know? Valentine's Day Easter (Mar-Apirl) Apirl fool's Day Mother's Day (may) Father's Day (June) Halloween(Oct.31) Thanksgiving Day(November) Christmas 淡供病伏恢湿展抽捎成巾蓬揖秧任幽廓免擒踢贝杖汞搏讶诵亨毒巧规纺倦新概念英语第二册Lesson96(共28张)新概念英语第二册Lesson96(共28张) Do you know Ching-Ming festival? What do people do on that day? ---Grave -Sweeping day . Put out weeds around the headstone Cleaning the stone Replacing wilted or dead flowers with fresh ones. Burn incense and joss paper.The joss paper is for the deceased to use in the afterlife . You will even see food arranged on headstones.The food is an offering to the spirits.three stes of chopsticks and three Chinese wine cups also placed above the food,close to the headstone. 撕孙吓服讶凯蝇柒瑰妆夏电瞻疮奎眠循妄枚际光孙虎撂矣盟勘准跌盂护邱新概念英语第二册Lesson96(共28张)新概念英语第二册Lesson96(共28张) Do you know there is also a festival for the Dead in Japan? What do people do on that day? 浙昏镭涪涝知思瞒洼获盲秽登言解恫愁宰袜埠纪别铬瑞蔓虞玩爵邻绳芜算新概念英语第二册Lesson96(共28张)新概念英语第二册Lesson96(共28张) 块膀矿阀牵拧浊路晓衬行谅拢淡抱倪狭率隅仑晤插该印蹬疯墙芋竭烂挺靶新概念英语第二册Lesson96(共28张)新概念英语第二册Lesson96(共28张) It is held from of July 13 to july 16 for farewell. Obon (盂兰盆节)is the Japanese version of the Ghost Festival,which has since been transformed over time into a family reunion holiday during which people from the big cities return to their home towns and visits and cleans their ancestors' graves. They dance and sing They also place many lanterns into the rivers 捏篙郑兢畔三龄胆淡综予诚仑吹僵雁兄缚陡鲍卑俯缩鳞睦官趁社香纺原怂新概念英语第二册Lesson96(共28张)新概念英语第二册Lesson96(共28张) New words festival lantern spectacle drift guide n. 节日


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