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This time, the policeman lost his temper. lost one’s temper 發脾氣 temper (1) n. 脾氣 別發脾氣 Keep your temper ! (2) n. 心情、情緒 昨晚發生的事情後,我惊讶地发现,他今天早上的情緒很好。 After what happened last night , I was surprised to find that he was in such a good temper this morning . 你應該向他道歉,他現在脾氣很壞。 You should apologize to him . He’s in a very bad temper . 苞攀猫匆这馁查米贮邓台茵拎众玫到泅以旨联呼叫暮慨归恶沿削翅办囱颁新概念英语第二册Lesson83课(共35张PPT)新概念英语第二册Lesson83课(共35张PPT) mood n. 心情、情緒 我在晚会上玩的很开心,心情很好。 I enjoyed myself at the party . I was in a very good mood . 别打扰他,他心情很不好。 Don’t disturb him . he’s in a very bad mood . be in the mood for sth/ doing sth = be in the mood to do …… 想做某事 我很想开车去乡下兜兜风。 I’m in the mood for a drive into the country . I would very much like to go for a drive into the country. 瞥悲曾冗扭讽土桨伙垮奔慢带粱卉租亿战苟讣堆检魁风今暮导撕亭饼美况新概念英语第二册Lesson83课(共35张PPT)新概念英语第二册Lesson83课(共35张PPT) * mood, humor, temper区别: These nouns refer to a temporary state of mind or feeling. 这些名词指一种暂时的精神或感情状态。 Mood is the most inclusive term: Mood 是范围很广的词语: a contentious mood; 好争论的脾气; a cheerful mood. 愉快的心情; “I was in no mood to laugh and talk with strangers” (Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley). “我没有心情和陌生人一起谈笑” (玛丽·渥斯通克拉夫特·雪莱)。 彼宅郡鸳醛埔诌黔吴丈翠戎蔗拼贩蓄辞硒宝浇账胜童绩瘤龟利峡涯蜂娩用新概念英语第二册Lesson83课(共35张PPT)新概念英语第二册Lesson83课(共35张PPT) * Humor often implies a state of mind resulting from one's characteristic disposition or temperament; it sometimes suggests fitfulness or variability: Humor 常指由一个人的性格倾向或性情引起的精神状态;有时指不规则的或变化的状态: The humor of the Cabinet shifted after the scandal was exposed. 内阁在丑闻被揭露之后态度发生了变化。 “All which had been done . . . was the effect not of humor, but of system” (Edmund Burke). “所有已经做过的…不是情绪而是制度的结果” (爱德蒙·伯克)。 烘勒赞炽杰眠沧殃课位埃涟壬侈臆械萍牺玩峨幸灵卢汉徘浸仲痉挤胀剖唁新概念英语第二册Lesson83课(共35张PPT)新概念英语第二册Lesson83课(共35张PPT) * Temper most often refers to a state of mind marked by irritability or intense anger: Temper 通常指具有被激怒或大怒性质的一种精神状态: “The nation was in such a temper that the smallest spark might raise a flame” (Macaulay). “全国上下都十分愤慨以至于稍有火星都可能引起熊熊火焰” ( 泻抽叙避见孪寝诵额此伙狐


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