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浙江省金华市永康第一中学2018年高一英语联考试题 一、 选择题 1. Only in this way _______ to make improvement in the operating system. A. you can hope???????????????????????????????????????????? B. can you hope C. you did hope?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? D. did you hope 参考答案: B 2. ______ China and South Korea planned is to speed up the free Trade Area talks as soon as possible.? A. It B. That??? C. What? D. No matter what 参考答案: 29. 选C。考查主语从句。句意:中国和韩国计划的是尽快加速自由贸易区谈判进程。句子的主语为一个主语从句,主语从句中缺少planned的宾语,因此排除it和that,而no matter what只能引导状语从句,而不能引导名词性从句,故选C。 【解析】 3. A park will be built ________ those who died in the big natural disaster in the city. A.in favor of??? B.in face of ?? C.in honour of??? D.in search of 参考答案: C 4. Many of these “informal” industries take few _______ to protect workers from hazardous materials like lead and mercury in the waste. A. standards?????? B. conditions C. precautions D. presentations 参考答案: C 5. —Last month Frank went to Smart China Expo in Chongqing. —_______. And _______. A. So did he; so did I????????? B. So he did; so I did C. So did he; so I did????????? D. So he did; so did I 参考答案: D 6. This kind of cloth ________ smooth and ________ well. A. is felt, sold???? B. feels, sells?????? C. feels, is sold???? D. is felt, sells 参考答案: B 7. Don’t? blame? him any more. _______, he is only a child. A. After all????????????????? B. In all C. Of all??????????????????? D. Above all 参考答案: A 8. She is the only one among the ______ writers who _______ stories for children. A. woman; writes?? B. women; write C. women; writes D. woman; write 参考答案: C 9. Looking at a situation in a new way will make _______ easier to find new solutions. A. us ??? B. this?? C. one??? D. it 参考答案: D 10. Continuing violence could ________ the progress towards reform. A. hold on B. hold out C. hold on to D. hold up 参考答案: D 【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:持续的暴力可能阻碍改革的进展。hold on坚持;hold out伸出; hold on to紧紧抓住; hold up阻挡。根据句意可知,故选D。 11. A growing number of people have ______ great


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