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软交换论文:基于 Asterisk 的市政呼叫中心软件实现 【中文摘要】近年来,Internet 的飞速发展促使业务量不断膨胀, 而在基于传统交换机的 PSTN 网中开发新业务不仅周期较长,移植性 能也不高。企业一方面想充分利用现有网络的资源,一方面又不得不 花费额外开销来维护原有的通信系统。下一代网络的提出及软交换技 术的实现为结合传统电信网络和 Internet 提供了方案,IP-PBX 软交 换设备成为了扩展电信网络系统和网络终端的理想设备,其构建的通 信平台能实现计算机网络和电话交换机的功能合一。由 Digium 公司 开发的 Asterisk 是目前使用最广泛的开源 IP-PBX 软件,为企业构建 自己的通信系统提供了强有力的技术支撑。本文在借鉴下一代网络软 交换思想的同时,探讨了 IP-PBX 的设计结构和其中的关键技术,着重 介绍了 Asterisk 平台下构建 IP-PBX 系统的原理和好处。并以南昌市 政公用集团客户呼叫中心整合系统工程作为项目依托,详细阐述了 Asterisk 平台下呼叫中心的设计实现过程。在整个项目实施过程中, 作者参与了整体结构方案的分析设计,选择合适的软硬件来搭建网络 环境,参与开发系统部分功能模块。项上线应用为实现广大市民与市 政公司服务部门的无间连接架起了一座桥梁,不但加强了市政公司的 服务力度,而且保证了服务质量,使得市政公用集团在市民心中树立 了一个良好的形象。 【英文摘要】In recent years, the rapid development of Internet urged phone business to become hypergrowth, it’s not convenient and will take a long time to realize new functions in the old PSTN which based on traditional PBX system. On one hand, many enterprises want to make full use of network resources, on the other hand, they have to spend extra costs to maintain the original system.NGN and SoftSwitch makes it possible to connect telephone network and Internet, IB-PBX devices is perfect to expand telecommunication network systems and network terminals, communication platform which is built by it can connect computer networks and telephone switches. Asterisk is the most widely used open source IP-PBX software which was developed by Digium, it provides strong technical support for enterprises to build their own communication system.The dissertation discussed the technology of SoftSwitch, included the concept and structure of IP-PBX system, then explain the principles and advantages of using Asterisk platform to build IP-PBX system. At last, the author took part in the project of Nanchang Municipal Public Group Call Center, based on it, detailedly expounded the design and realize process of the Asterisk-Based IP-PBX System. During the whole implementation of project, the author analysed and developed some pa


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