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? After the 9.11 incident, American citizens have an unprecedented sense of crisis. They are eager to have heroes who can step forward and save them when they are in distress. ? Americans have a strong sense of self-centeredness, believe in individualism, and pursue personal happiness as a social consensus. American citizens worship individual heroes. They advocate individual struggle and take risks. Therefore, American movies strongly advocate self-centered individualism and heroism. They hope to encourage their own people and take their own responsibility. 31 2020/4/7 ? The black president of film“2012”, at the time of the human disaster, gave up the opportunity to board an escape boat and left the line : “ A young scientist wants to overcome twenty old politicians. ” This is A heroic realm with the human future as its own responsibility 32 2020/4/7 ? The male protagonists save the society with their own extraordinary ability and punish evil. And this type of lone hero is often just an ordinary person at the beginning of the movie, reflecting that ordinary citizens can also find their own responsibilities in this society. No matter what kind of crises or hardships they face, no matter what fatal blows they receive, they never believe in failure. The heroes always use the incomprehensible rational mind to quickly make a perfect layout and instantly make absolute correct judgments. You can always catch only one percent chance of winning 33 2020/4/7 American film culture 1 The formation of Hollywood 2 Hollywood ? There are several ways to define the “Hollywood” ? the broadest is the American film industry, including different cities and different scale film production and distribution companies. ? It also refers to the seven biggest film companies, including MGM , Paramount Picture , Columbia Pictures, Warner Brothers Pictures ,Walt Disney Company,20 th Century Fox Corporation,Universal Pictures. 3 Hollywood lies on the west coas


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