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Repetition& Parallelism 在这里脸是甜甜的,心是甜甜的,梦是甜 甜的。(甜甜牌席梦思床垫广告语) ●这里是三个判断句的并列使用, 语句铿锵,气势不凡。而个 甜甜的”巧妙反复,更是烘托出 种浪漫而又温馨的气氛,极富 感染力;使人觉得如果买了甜甜 牌席梦思床墊后,生活会变得幸 福而甜蜜;这样的话,谁又不愿 意去买呢? We shall fight him by land we shall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air. (w. S. Churchill) 我们将在陆地上与他作战;我们将在海 与他作战;我们将在天空中与他作战。 Parallelism与 repetition合二为十,交织运用 以增强修辞效果。 We shall fight him反复 而 by hand, by sea和inai又互为平行结构。 Repetition invol ves repeating the same word, the root words in different derivatives is a powerful rhetorical device which creates good rhythm and parallelism to make the language musical emphatic, attractive and memorable and also to emphasize an idea 反复是为了突出某个意思,强调某种感情 特意重复某个词语或句 The oppressed are oppressed because ression is to the oppressor's interests, and because the oppressed lack the physical, political, economic, and psychological means to resist and throw them off the oppressed never free themselves-they don't have necessary strengths. They become free only when their oppressors lose the strength or the will to oppress them. ( Clare Boothe luce) Here the 8 repetitions of the word"oppression"and its variants"oppress oppressor","oppressed"in a short selection strongly underscore the writers Central thesis, setting the stage for Mrs. Luce's pessimistic conclusion that There is little improvement at present for the USA's women and that the Freedom and equality for them is still only a distant hope



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