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1 solar system Our solar system consists of the sun, eight planets (and their moons), an asteroid belt (小行 星带) , and many comets ( 彗星 ) and meteors (流星) . 2 Mercury( 水星 ) Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun in our Solar System. This small, rocky planet has almost no atmosphere. its surface is similar to the surface of our Moon. 3 Mercury [‘m?:kjuri] 水星 a chemical element. Mercury is a poisonous silver-white liquid metal, used in thermometers. 汞;水银 4 Venus( 金星 ) Venus is the second planet from the sun in our solar system. It is the hottest planet in our Solar System. Venus has an iron core but only a very weak magnetic field. 5 venus [‘vi:n?s] 金星 Venus de Milo (Aphrodite of Melos ) 6 地球 (Earth) The Earth is the third planet from the Sun in our Solar System. It is the planet we evolved on and the only planet in our Solar System that is known to support life. 7 Mars (火星) Mars, the red planet, is the fourth planet from the sun and the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. It is about half the size of Earth and has a dry, rocky surface and a very thin atmosphere. 8 Jupiter (木星) Jupiter is the fifth and largest planet in our solar system. This gas giant has a thick atmosphere, 39 known moons, and a dark, barely-visible ring. Jupiter is composed mostly of gas. 9 木星 Zeus ( 宙斯 ) Jupiter [‘d?u:pit?] (朱庇特) 10 Saturn (土星) Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun in our solar system. It is the second- largest planet in our solar system (Jupiter is the largest). It has beautiful rings that are made mostly of ice chunks (and some rock) 11 Saturn [‘s?t?(:)n] 土星 Saturnalia (农神节) is an Ancient Roman festival that was held in honor of the god Saturn (农神) 12 天王星 (Uranus) Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun in our solar system. This huge, icy planet is covered with clouds and is encircled by a belt of 11 rings and 22 known moons. 13 Uranus [‘ju:?r?n?s] 天王星 乌拉诺斯 14 海王星



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