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PAGE PAGE 87 毕业设计 ——设计题目:横山水利枢纽工程混凝土面板 堆石坝扩大单位工程施工组织设计 专 业 :水利水电工程 班 级 : 学生姓名 : 学 号 : 指导教师 : 完成时间 : 水利与环境工程学院 ? 摘 要 本次设计主要是面板堆石坝的施工组织设计,主要设计内容为施工导截流、面板堆石坝和概预算编制设计。 首先应对基本资料进行分析,根据当地气象、水文特征确定导流建筑物的级别,确定导流标准,根据下游的防护标准进行调洪演算,确定各种特征水位。用以确定导流建筑物的型式和尺寸,还有拦洪高程。接着进行堰体的外型轮廓设计、堰顶设计,护坡设计、堰体防渗及堰基防渗措施和与其相应的渗流分析和稳定分析。根据主体工程各部分的工程量,确定施工方法和施工强度,制定施工进度计划。最后进行工程施工概算、计算出总投资。 通过设计,让我对以往所学的各科知识进行了一次全面的大梳理,进一步加强对本专业的深入了解,使我们所学的理论知识能更好的应用于实践。为即将步入社会打下良好的基础,从而实现为祖国建设出一份力的理想。 关键词 横山水利枢纽工程;施工导截流;全段围堰法;主体工程施工;施工组织;概预算;面板堆石坝;进度计划;总投资。 Abstract This design mainly is the kneading board rock-fill dam construction organization plan, mainly designs the content to lead for the construction dams the current, the kneading board rock-fill dam and budgets the establishment design generally. First should carry on the analysis to the basic document, according to the local meteorology, the hydrology characteristic determination conduction current building rank, the definite conduction current standard, carries on according to the downstream protection standard adjusts Hong to calculate, determines each kind of characteristic water level.With by determines the conduction current building the pattern and the size, but also has blocks the Hong elevation.If then carries on the batardeau body the outlook section designing, the weir crest design, the slope protection design, the batardeau body guards against infiltrates and the batardeau base guards against infiltrates the measure and the corresponding transfusion analysis and the stable analysis. According to principal part of a project various part of resiliences, determination job practice and construction intensity, formulation construction progress plan.Finally carries on the project construction budgetary estimate, calculates the total investment. Through the design, let me to various branches knowledge which formerly studied carry on one time compre


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