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Optimal Met+ Cys: Lys ratio in diets for broilers 肉鸡日粮中最优的Me+cys:Lys比例 Dr Andreas Lemme Evonik Degussa赢创德固赛工业集团 Health Nutrition-Feed Additives 健康与营养事业部一饲料添加剂 e EvonIK NDUSTRIES Determination of optimal amino acid ratios 理想蛋白氨基酸比例的测定 e EvonIK Ideal Protein Concept理想蛋白的概念 a Ideal ratios between amino acids(reference Lys) 口氨基酸的理想比例(以赖氨酸为标准 a Should be applied on basis of digestible amino acids 口应当以可消化氨基酸为基础应用 Determination of ideal amino acid ratios理想蛋白氨基酸比 例的测定 口 Factorial approach析因法 口 Dose-response trials剂量反应试验 Osln oemensran on I You can emar tsod he Feed Additives- amino acids and more Factorial approach 析因法 e EvonIK Partitioning of amino acid requirement for various purposes - factors把氨基酸需要量分割为用于各种目的需要量一因了 What's required?需要什么? □ Amino acid retention( net accretion)氨基酸的存留(净增加) Analysed content of weight gain, egg mass, feathers, milk yield, etc 分析增重、蛋内容物、羽毛、产奶等的成分 Utilisation of absorbed amino acids吸收氨基酸的利用率 Dependent on amino acid balance依赖于氨基酸的平衡 a Maintenance requirement维持需要 Amino acid requirement for zero gain零增重吋的氨基酸需要 Function of body weight体重的功能 Osln oemensran on I You can emar tsod he Feed Additives- amino acids and more Partition of the lysine requirement 赖氨酸需要量的分割 e EvonIK 1600 己1400 E9 Total Lys requirement总Lys需求 体蛋白 Feather protein羽毛蛋白 Maintenance维持 200 07142128354249566 days of age日龄 Osln oemensran on I You can emar tsod he Feed additives-amino acids and more Partition of the methionine+cysteine requirement蛋+胱需要量的分割 e EvonIK 1400 Total Met+ Cys requirement总蛋十胱需要 Body protein体蛋白需要 Maintenance维持 如翩 220 0 142128354249566370 age日龄 Osln oemensran on I You can emar tsod he Feed additives-amino acids and more


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