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) (含例句初中英语最重要的100个基础句型 100个基础句型(含例句)初中英语最重要的 事某1. want to do sth 想做 I want to go to school. 。学想去上我 事人做某让2. want sb to do sth 想某 I want my son to go to school. 。上学去让我的儿子我想 同......不3. be different from 与 The weather in Beijing is different from that of Nanjing. 。同南京的不的北京天气和 同……相4. be the same as 与 His trousers are the same as mine. 。一样我他的裤子和的 好友对5. be friendly to sb 某人 Mr. Wang is very friendly to us. 。好友我先生对们非常王 地某来欢6. welcome to sp 迎到19 / 1 ) 含例句个基础句型(初中英语最重要的100 Welcome to China. 。中国欢迎来到 ?了什么毛病人s the matter with sb/sth? 某/某物出7. What ?s the matter with your watchWhat ?了表怎么你的手 么什8. what to do 做 t know what to do next.We don 。做什么知道接下来要我们不 事做某9. let sb do sth 让某人 Let him enter the room. 。间入让他进房 事某人不做某10. let sb not do sth 让 Let him not stand in the rain. 。在雨中让他不要站 ?呢做某事不 11. why dont you do sth?你怎么 ?Why dont you play football with us ?呢足们和么你怎不我踢球19 / 2 ) 含例句个基础句型(初中英语最重要的100 ?呢某么不做事12. why not do sth? 怎 ?Why not play football with us ?呢们踢足球为什么不和我 物某人制造13. make sb sth 为某 My father made me a kite. 。个风筝爸给我做了一我爸 物造某为14. make sth for sb 某人制 My father made a kite for me. 。筝了做一个风我爸爸给我 ?思什么意15. What do you mean by doing sth?你做……是 ?What do you mean by doing that ?意思事情是什么那你做件 事某喜爱做16. like doing sth Jim likes swimming. 。泳欢吉姆喜游 事某去17. like to do sth 想做19 / 3 ) 含例句个基础句型(初中英语最重要的100 t like to swim now.He doesn 。泳不想去游他现在 事某18. feel like doing sth 想要做 I feel like eating bananas. 。蕉要吃香我想 事要想做某19. would like to do sth ?Would you like to go rowing with me ?船吗划和我一起去你想要 事做某20. would like sb to do sth 想要某人 d like you to stay with me tonight.I 。起待在一和我想你今晚我 事人做某21. make sb do sth 使某 His brother often makes him stay in the sun. 。阳让他晒太常他哥哥经 事做某人22. let sb do sth 让某 Let me sing a song for you. 。吧支你我让为唱歌19 / 4 ) 含例句个基础句型(初中英语最重要的100 事某某23. have sb do sth 使人做 t have the students work so hard.You shouldn 。习努力学生不应该让学这么你 远地24. be far from sp 离某 His school is far from his home. 。他家远他的学校离 近离某地25. be near to sp The hospital is nea


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