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第七章英汉语篇的衔接与翻译 语篇的衔接 语篇的衔接( cohesion)与连贯( coherence)是 语篇分析中一对相辅相成的概念。从语篇 生成的过程来看,都是组成语篇必不可少 的条件,都是语篇的重要特征 衔接是将语句聚合在一起的语法及词汇手 段的统称,是语篇表层的可见语言现象 通常语篇在其语言层次的成分都表现出 定程度的衔接,以帮助语篇更好地实现意 思的连贯 衔接手段的功能 In the last 20 years or so, some underdeveloped countries have increased their food production. Their populations, (however, have at the same time grown faster(And so) The standard of living hasnt improved (What's more) The increase in food production has been achieved at the expense of using up marginal lands.(As a result, There has been no gain in the productivity of land labor Most of those who have watched enviously from the sidelines sense that gravity wi assert itself sooner of later. Many of the online gamblers who have earned a fortune in paper profits betting their savings on shares in Yahoo. Amazon and the rest will never get their money out. For the very features that have led to a near-vertical cllm lb of internet share prices also favor its precipitous collapse. 大多数曾嫉妒的旁观者观察到,重力迟早 是要发挥作用的。许多把赌注放在雅虎、 亚马逊和其他网络股上并曾赢得账面利润 的投机者将来肯定无法把钱从股市里拿出。 因为那些使网络股股价直线上升的原因同 样也是导致网络股股价暴跌的因素。


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