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乡镇预算管理系统的研究 与分析 摘要 当代中国科技发展日新月异,科技领域突飞猛进,计算机行业正逐步渗透到各行各业中来。在经济上我国正加大力度不断推进改革创新,不断地通过科学技术来完善各个行业企业的数字化管理。在经济与技术迅猛发展的阶段,全国各省、市、自治县等地区各个单位的财务报表需要智能化的管理,财务的往来核销计算和管控更加需要系统化的操作来进行管理。其中乡村预算也是这众多财务问题之一,一套行之有效地乡镇预算管理系统是非常有必要的。 财政预算是一个社会发展和政府调节经济的重要手段,它是政府在一个年度内对收支结构和规模所做的安排,通过预算可以看出政府该年度内的资金流向和成本,政府如何统筹安排资金。政府根据当前经济运行状况,选择适当的结构政策和预算总量,用预算的方法使经济发展平稳增长,因而财政预算有着极其重要的作用。财务预算管理方式发展的一种趋势就是运用计算机技术和通信技术把经费预算管理实现。怎样运用现代信息技术手段来准确和完整地实现经费预算功能,加快经费预算和报销信息数据库的建设,提高预算质量,已经是财务管理研究中的热点问题,从长期来看,其意义深远。 本文研究了课题背景、查询相关文献,了解国内外目前研究的现状;在此基础上,对系统进行可行性分析、功能需求分析以及用UML中的用例图形式化需求;然后对系统进行总体设计、建模设计以及数据库设计;在设计的基础上进行系统模块的实现以及测试。在此背景下开发出来的财务系统。系统名为“乡镇预算管理系统的研究与分析”,是基于B/S架构。 关键字:经费预算;UML;B/S架构;数据库 Abstract Along with the arriving of high technology in Chinese and its rapid development, the computer technology has been widely applied to all walks of life. Reform and innovation are promoted vigorously in order to raise the level of economic development. Due to the rapid development of science and technology, the digital management of various industries is improving day by day. Intelligent management system is needed to manage financial work of institutions of all provinces, cities and autonomous counties, especially to manage the calculation and monitor of financial dealings much more systematic than ever before. This is one primary problem of the management of the administrative institutions. The development of information technology, has brought opportunities for all walks of life, but also to face enormous challenges,so is the management of department budget. According to the need for financial reform, a set of information of the financial budget management software,a very important role in improving the financial sector efficiency, especially for relatively low in informationization township. A trend of the development of budget management finance is the use of computer technology and communication technology to realize the budget management. How to use modern information technology to accurate and compl


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