人教英语必修五培优教程练习:nit The nited ingdom ection Ⅳ 含答案.docVIP

人教英语必修五培优教程练习:nit The nited ingdom ection Ⅳ 含答案.doc

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Section Ⅳ Learning about Language & Using Language 课前预习检测 单词识记 1.describe (vt.) 描写;描述→description (n.) 描写;描述 2.furniture (n.) 家具;设备→furnish (vt.) 布置;装置;装备→furnished (adj.) 配备好装备的;带家具的 3.possible (adj.) 可能的→possibly (adv.) 可能地;或许;大概→possibility (n.) 可能(性) 4.quarrel (n.& vi.) 争吵;吵架→quarrelsome (adj.) 爱争吵的 5.like (prep.) 像;如同→alike (adj.) 相同的;类似的 6.arrange (vt.) 筹备;安排;整理→arrangement (n.) 布置;整理;准备 7.fold (vt.) 折叠;对折→unfold (vt.) 展开;打开 8.delight (n.& vt.) 快乐;高兴;使高兴;使欣喜→delighted (adj.) 高兴的;欣喜的 9.thrill (vt.) 使激动;使胆战心惊→thrill (n.) 兴奋;激动→thrilling (adj.) 令人毛骨悚然的;发抖的 10.imaginary (adj.) 想象中的→imagine (vt.) 想象→imagination (n.) 想象 11.wedding (n.) 婚礼→funeral (n.) 葬礼 12.consistent (adj.) 一致的→consist (vi.) 组成;在于;一致 短语完形 1.on__special_occasions    在特殊的场合 2.in_memory_of 为了纪念 3.break__down (机器)损坏;破坏 4.feel_proud_of 感到骄傲 5.take_the_place_of 代替 6.to_one's_surprise 令某人惊讶的是 7.on_show 展览 8.make_a_list 列出清单 9.pass_through 经过;路过 10.ring_out (嗓音、钟声等)响;鸣 语篇理解 根据课文内容选出最佳答案 1.The order that Zhang Pingyu visited London on the first day is ______. A.Westminster Abbey, the Tower, Big Ben, Greenwich B.the Tower, Big Ben, Greenwich, Westminster Abbey C.Karl Marx's statue, the Tower, Greenwich, the British Museum D.the Tower, St Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben 答案:D 根据第一段第二句“Her first delight was going to the Tower.”及第二段中提到她先后参观的地方可知D项正确。 2.What does the longitude line mean? It means ______. A.it is a line that divides the East and the West B.it is an imaginary line dividing the eastern and western halves of the world C.it is a line that ships need D.it passes by Greenwich 答案:B 根据第三段二、三两句可知B项正确。 3.Zhang Pingyu felt very proud of her country because ______. A.she saw many wonderful treasures displayed in the museum B.she saw Karl Marx's statue in Highgate Cemetery C.she saw many visitors enjoying looking at the beautiful old Chinese pots and other objects on show D.she was going to see the Queen the next day 答案:C 根据倒数第二段最后一句“When she saw many visitors enjo



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