人物写作公开课 WPS演示 演示文稿_图文.doc

人物写作公开课 WPS演示 演示文稿_图文.doc

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Starry, Starry night paint your palette blue and grey 美文欣赏 Vincent Van Gogh 向 日 葵星空 Vincent Van Gogh was a man in a hurry, an artist of tremendous energy and prodigious output. 文森特·凡高是个闲不住 的人,是位精力超凡 而又多产的艺术家。麦田鸦群 Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853 at Groot Zundert Province of Noord Nrabant in Dutch.He was the son of a clergyman. ?The motivation bore early fruit and from the age of 12 the young Vincent was drawing. ?When he was only 20, he was transferred to the firm’s London office. In London Van Gogh faced his first major crisis, when he was rejected in love.Groupil transferred him from London to Paris but, when his work was still unsatisfactory, dismissed him in 1876. ?The young Van Gogh made religion a consuming interest and during the next few years travelled in Britain, Belgium and Holland, trying to establish himself as a preacher(传道人, but without success. In 1880, at the age of 27, he found himself drawn back to art. ?In 1886Van Gogh left Holland forever and travelled via Antwerp to Paris, and to major changes in artistic style.Van Gogh’s work became more youthful in Paris. ?Van Gogh developed a taste for personalized brushwork and brilliant, unmixed colors. 自画像 吃土豆的人 He killed himself when he was only 37, but he left behind him more than 2,000 paintings and drawings,which established his reputation in a way he would never have considered possible. 介绍人物是基础写作常见的一种话题类型。它涉及人的出生、家庭背景、教育、生平经历、成就和评价等。 人物简介的写作步骤;(概,貌,育,平,评 1概况age, sex, birth-place, background 2外貌appearance ,character, hobby 3教育education 4生平big events in one’s life ( in order of time 5评价evaluation 一人物介绍常用词语及表达: 1.age,birthday and birthplace(个人概况 1出生于某地某时 was/were born in…(placeon…(date 2在某人多少岁时 at the age of… 3来自穷苦家庭的儿子 the son of a poor family 4出生于一个农民/知识分子家庭/书香门第 was born into a peasant/intelligent family/a family of scholars 5过着幸福/艰苦的生活 live / lead a happy / difficult life 有信心的乐于助人有毅力的有能力的热心肠的随和的精力充沛慷慨的聪明的雄心的有吸引力的? confident ? be willing/ready to help others ?determined / perseverant ?capa


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