人教英语必修一练习:nit  ection Ⅲ 知能演练轻松闯关 含解析.docVIP

人教英语必修一练习:nit  ection Ⅲ 知能演练轻松闯关 含解析.doc

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eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅰ) 品句填词 1.Michael’s parents sat in his dormitory and cried sadly, begging him not to drop out of school. 2.I remember crying for her as I thought about the cruelty(残酷) and coldness that had led to her death. 3.Lots of things, including clothes and blankets,have been sent to the town hit by the earthquake. 4.Tony is a(n) educated child and always polite to others. 5.When she suddenly heard someone crying outside, she turned white in terror. 6.The police offered a(n) reward(奖金) for any information about the robbery. 7.He was released(释放) from prison after serving his sentence. 8.His brother was sentenced(判) to five years in prison for attacking others. 9.When the earthquake happened, the teacher chose to protect her students instead of escaping(逃跑) first. 10.When Hitler came to power(权力), Einstein had to leave his motherland. 11.Some students are not willing to share their opinions(看法) with others. 12.One of my relatives(亲戚) works in an insurance company and she has persuaded me to buy fire insurance for my apartment. eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅱ) 选词填空 as a matter of fact; be sentenced to; in trouble; turn to; out of work; lose heart; blow up; come to power 1.James failed to start a business, but he didn’t lose heart and tried a second time. 2.People have lived a peaceful life since the new political party came to power. 3.The thief was sentenced to two years in prison because he stole the things in a shop when he was out of work. 4.When in trouble, they had to beg for food from their relatives or friends. 5.He refused my request without a second thought when I turned to him for help. 6.Mr Green became out of work because his factory was closed down several days ago. 7.The soldiers blew up the bridge just as the train was about to come. 8.Many people think it good to buy a gift.As a matter of fact, your gift will be more meaningful if you make it yourself. eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅲ) 完成句子 1.面对学校暴力问题,我不会以暴制暴,反而会从老师和家长那里寻求帮助。 In the face of violence at school, I will not answer vio



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