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Lession2 Reading Material Theory and skills of special English translation Main Contents Translate English into Chinese 1.Direct translation 2.Converted translation 3. commonly used sentences types Translate Chinese into English Assignment 1.Translate English into Chinese 1. 1直译法:主要针对专业术语的译法, 有3种: (1)意译法:Co-suppression 共抑制 (2)音译法:Vitamin维他命(维生素), penicilin 青霉素,外国人名的 翻译如:Mendel’s genetic laws (3)形译法:x-ray x-射线 ,θ-replication θ-复制, D-loop D-环(mtDNA) 1.3 commonly used sentences 有人认为 It’s thought that-clause 人们相信 It’s believed that-clause 有人指出 It has been shown that-clause 有人感到 It was felt that-clause 人们认为,据估计 It’s considered that-clause 有人以为 It’s taken that- clause 人们通常认为 It’s generally accepted that- 人们注意到 It’s noted that- clause 人们猜测(推测,假定) It’s supposed that- clause 2. translate Chinese into English 2..1汉语单词和词组的译法。 (1)词类转换译法:v→n,n→v,v→adj,n→adj. e.g.学生完全不知道糖和蛋白质都是天然有机物质。 They are entirely ignorant of caybolydrates and proteins to be natural organic material. (2)词义引申法(近似法,上下文体会法,利用英语中惯用语)。 e.g. 在微生物实验中,他非常仔细,因为一有疏忽,往往功败垂成。 3. Assignment 1.Translate Chinese into English (1)蛋白质分析理论就谈到这里,下面开始测定几种 蛋白质的结构。 (2) 很清楚,生物化学是我们所知道的科学上发展最快 的学科之一。 2.Translate English into Chinese Living beings comprise all organisms such as animals, plants and microbes including fungi ,bacteria and viruses and so on, have many characteristics which consist of similar kinds of chemicals, common cells as the structural and functional Lessions of growth ,development and reproduction, evolution, etc. * * 1.2 转换法: (1)词类转换法: One of our ways to get food is planting crops and vegetable.(动名词→动词) That student has made a careful study of the properties of these proteins (careful→ carefully; study (cn) →study (v)) (2)句子成分转换法: In case of shortage of water and fertilizer, wheats


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