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摘要 随着世界进一步全球化,中外文学作品相互译介空前增长,文学作品中文化 元素愈加多元,译者在处理翻译中的文化元素时,应当更加谨慎。在翻译《无人 知晓》的过程中,笔者发现,宗教文化元素的不可译性是翻译的一大难题。通过 研究发现,对于无法在目标语文化中找到对应表达的文化元素,译者可以通过“再 创”语境的方式,将“他者”引入目标语的文化语境,帮助目标语读者更好地理 解原作,并且也使读者有机会学习对方的文化,做到深层次跨文化交流。 出于以上考虑,本报告试图以《无人知晓》这一翻译实践经历,结合深度翻 译理论,着重探讨英美文学作品中宗教表达的翻译策略,旨在帮助读者对文学作 品中宗教相关的描述产生共鸣。译者主要采用的深度翻译策略为注释,分别为显 性注释和隐性注释,具体采用的翻译技巧分别为脚注、括号说明、补充语境式增 译和意译。 本翻译项目实践报告共分为五章,第一章:翻译项目简介;第二章:翻译过 程;第三章:深度翻译和注释;第四章:案例分析;第五章:结语。 关键词:《无人知晓》,深度翻译,宗教表达,显性注释,隐性注释 4 Abstract Translators should be extra careful when dealing with cultural elements, against a backdrop that the highly globalized world has propelled the two-way translation between Chinese and foreign literary works and thus making the cultural elements ever more complicated. During the translation of The Little Friend, one of the difficulties is the untranslatable religious-cultural elements that do not possess equivalent contexts in the target text. Regarding this problem, the writer finds through her study that the translator can introduce the “Other” into the target culture by recreating the context to help target readers understand the original work. This also allows readers to learn from other cultures, which can be regarded as cross-cultural communication at a deeper level. Based on these considerations, the report attempts to discuss the translation strategy of the translation of religious references in Western Literature based on the translation experience of The Little Friend under the guidance of thick translation theory, aiming to help target readers resonate with those religious references as they would with Chinese religious references. The translation strategy the writer adopted in her translation of religious references in the


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