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考点跟踪突破41句子翻译 (一) (2016,铁岭) (A) 根据所给中文完成句子翻译。 1 ?别熬夜,这对你的身体有害。 Don' t_stay_up,_it's bad for your health. 你的发型和宋仲基的相似。 Your hairstyle is_similar_to Song Joong - ki's. 根据调查,很多年轻人喜欢在淘宝上购物。 According_to the survey , many young people like shopping on Taobao. 我认为科比(Kobe)是最好的篮球运动员之一。 I thi nk Kobe is on e_of_the_best_basketball_players . 这种美食总是很快就被卖光。 This kind of delicious food is always sold_out quickly. 6?你刚才浏览笔记了吗? Did_you」oo k_through_the _note_just_now? 7.这些书多么有用啊! How_useful_these_books_ar &如果我们齐心协力,就能解决这些难题。 lf_we_pull_together , we_will_work_out_these_difficult_problems . (B) 阅读下面的短文,将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文。 Earlier this month , we had our sports meeting for the year.Every student was excited about it , especially me.l took part in the 400-meter race. The sound of a gun shot ( 枪 声) started the race ! 9.1_tried_to_run_as_fast_as_l_could. But after a while , I got tired.At that time , I thought I had the respon sibility (责任)to finish the race for every one who believed in me.The finish line was right there .It got closer and closer to me.Finally , I came in third place. 10 . My_teachers_and_classmates_were_proud_of_me_because_of_that. I was so happy.I learned that nothing is impossible.As long as I can keep fighting hard and do everything like this , I will do well and never lose. 9?我尽可能快地跑。 10.因为这,我的老师和同学们为我感到骄傲。 (二) ( 2016,营口 ) (A)根据所给中文完成句子翻译。 1?你能帮我浏览一下这篇作文吗? Would you look through the compositi on for me? 天气预报显示,暴风雨即将来临。 According to 虫9 weather report , a terrible storm is on its way here. 他成功地按时抵达那里。 He succeeded in .arrivi ng there on time. 4?王老师总是鼓励我们在课上说英语。 Mr.Wa ng always encourages us to speak English in class. 5.你要是打碎了杯子,我会和你生气的。 If_you_break_the_glass ,门l_be_angry_with_you. 6?他已经来这儿两个小时了。 He_has_bee n_here_for_two_hours. 7 ?你可以把通知贴在黑板上。 You_ca n_put_up_the_ no tice_ on _the_blackboard. (B)阅读下面短文,将短文中画线部分的句子翻译成中文。 Robots can do a lot of things ,from housework to helping operate (做手术)on patients.8.Now_they_are_even_smarter_than_you_might_imagine AlphaGo


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