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PAGE II 基于Java的图书租赁系统的设计与实现 摘 要 21世纪,随着信息爆炸、知识经济时代的到来,使个人、单位、社会对图书租赁系统有了更高的需求。目前,在一些中小型租赁书店中,主要从事图书资料的存储和书籍的出租,其大部分工作还是手工进行管理,效率很低,不便于动态及时调整图书结构,无法实现网络化管理,更无法支持电子商务。 因此,针对客户、书籍和租借信息的系统化管理,对图书租赁系统进行了研究。本文首先阐述了图书租赁系统的背景意义、发展趋势等理论知识;其次分析了该系统的必要性和可行性并对其进行了需求分析和系统设计;最后探讨了图书租赁系统的开发方法和实现技术。 论文给出了基于Java的图书租赁系统开发实例。该实例实现了图书管理的一些主要功能。主要包括图书信息管理、用户信息管理、租赁信息管理等模块。不仅能代替日常图书管理中的一些繁琐工作,而且能充分利用Internet/Intranet快速发布最新租赁信息,使租借情况一目了然,从而更系统的管理图书的租借过程,有效地提高工作效率。 关键词:Java;图书租赁系统;数据库;Myeclipse Design and Implementation of Book Rental System Based on Java Abstract In the 21st Century, as the coming of the age of information explosion and knowledge economy, people, organizations and the society have increasing demand on book rental system (BRS). Currently, in some small and medium size book rental stores, most work such as store and rental of books is done by manpower with low efficiency. It is difficult to dynamically adjust the structure of books in time. Moreover, it is also impossible to implement internet management and e-commerce. Therefore, focusing on systematic management of customers, books and rental data, the author has done the research on the BRS. The dissertation, at first, states the theoretical knowledge like background, importance and development trend of BRS. Then it analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the system. The next part of the paper is demand analysis and system design. Finally, the dissertation discusses the approaches to develop the system and the technology to achieve the design. The dissertation provides the development case of BRS based on Java which can be used to achieve main functions of book management including book data management, user data management, and rental data management. The BRS can not only replace some complicated daily work of book management, but it can also take full advantage of internet/intranet to fast publish latest rental information. The new system can clearly display the condition of rental books, which facilitate the sy


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