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摘要 本翻译实践报告源文本节选于美国联邦最高法院阿利托大法官撰写的《雅努 斯诉美国州县市雇员联合会》判决书。此判决书阐述了有关工会代理费机制的重 要判决,要求译员对美国的司法判决、判例等有充分的了解。为此,译者使用 Tmxmall 语料库和Trados 所建立的术语库来保证术语翻译精准,通过译者自审, 同学互审以及导师审校进行译文的质量控制。 本翻译报告介绍了原文及其作者的背景,强调了对美国法院判决书进行汉译 对我国司法体制改革和司法体制现代化建设的实际意义。通过分析原文,并立足 于文本类型理论,判断出原文属于信息类文本,从而确定直译的翻译方法,将法 律术语、长难句以及案例名等翻译难点进行分析。本报告总结了将文本类型理论 与司法判决书翻译实践相结合的情况,介绍译者在此次翻译实践中的体会,并进 一步提出司法判决书对译者在跨法系翻译方面的要求,希望本翻译实践报告对类 似司法判决书的英译汉实践起到一定的促进作用。 关键词:文本类型理论;法律翻译;司法判决书 ii Abstract The source text of this translation practice report is an excerpt of Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees , written by Alito, the justice of the Supreme Court of United States. The decision states important judgments on the agency fee mechanism of the trade union. Thus, it requires the translator to have a full understanding of the judicial decisions and jurisprudence of the United States. To this end, in order to ensure the accuracy of terminology, the translator takes advantage of the Tmxmall corpus and the term base established by Trados. In addition, quality control on translation is guaranteed through self-review, peer-review and supervisor- review. This translation report introduces the background information and the author of the source text and emphasizes the practical significance of our judicial reform and the modernization of the judicial system by translating judicial decisions of American courts into Chinese. Then, based on the text typology and the analysis of source text, the text type of the source text is an informative text. In accordance with the classification of this text type, the translator determines to use literal translation as the translation method. Then, the translator analyzes the translation difficulties of legal terms, l



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