报告Food safety食品安全.ppt

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Food recall Target object : protect consumer’s health manufacturer’s reputation The way :exchange and return the goods The meaning: remove and reduce the dangers of food U.S. government agencies: Food and Drug Administration (FDA) U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA FSIS) Food recall classification Classification Definition Examples Class I This type of recall involves a health hazard where a reasonable probability exists that eating the food would cause serious, adverse health consequences or death. Meat contaminated with L. monocytogenes in a ready-to-eat food product; E. coli O157:H7 in raw beef; allergens such as peanuts or eggs Class II This type of recall indicates a potential health hazard where a remote probability of adverse health consequences from eating the food exists, or if the resulting condition is temporary or medically reversible. Presence of FDC Yellow #5 dye in candy; presence of dry milk, a Class II allergen, as an ingredient in sausage without mention of the dry milk on the label. Class III This type of recall involves situations in which eating the food will not or is not likely to cause adverse health consequences. A package containing fewer or lower weight products than shown on the package label or improperly labeled processed meat in which added water is not listed on the label as required by federal regulations. Development of the food recall system Chinas food recall system was originally developed by the product recall system and gradually extended to the area of ??food safety. Now we have established a basic law framework. It covers from the legal to the local laws and regulations relating to food recall in the exploration stage of food recall system in our country. In 1995 “Food Hygiene Law of the Peoples Republic of?China”(《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》) In 2002, “Shanghai consumer rights and interests protection regulations” (《上海消费者权益保护条例》) In 2004,”S


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