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PAGE1 / NUMPAGES1 Oxford English 2B Unit 2 In the circus (the third period) I. Teaching purpose 1.Use imperatives to draw attention to something. Look at …… 2. Use nouns to identify zoo animals. 3.Use adjectives to describe animals. E.g. It’s big and brown.II. Main points: Use adjectives to describe animals. III. Difficult points: Use adjectives to describe animals. IV. Teaching materials: Student’s Book 2B page 8.Courseware 2B unit2 Word and picture card 2B V. Teaching procedures: Step1. Warming up 1.Greetings 2.Sing a song“Look at the bear”as warming up. Step2. Pre-task preparation 1.Show the pictures on the lecture slides for the animals thattaught in the last period. Look at the pictures and revise theanimal words. 2.Show a picture of a circus. Ask students to discuss what theycan see at a circus. Step 3.while-task procedure 1.Play the animation of the circus for page 8. Invite students tosay aloud the animals in the animation. 2.Say“Lookatthebear.’’Thenaskstudentstoanswersomequestions about the bear. E.g. Is it big? What color is it? Is itbig and brown? 3.Repeat step 2 with the other animals, such as elephant, horse,monkey, tiger, and panda. 4.Play the courseware again for students to listen to the nativespeakers’pronunciationwhilelookingattheanimation.Students listen and repeat. Step4. Post-task activities 1.Divide students into pairs. In pairs they take turns to ask eachother about the animals in the picture. E.g. one says ‘ look atthebear.’Theothersays‘It’sbigandbrown.’Thentheychange roles. 2.Let a few pairs practice in the front of the class and competewhich pair is the best at presenting. Step5. Consolidation Workbook page 5: listen and write the correct number in the box 教学反思: 我讲课的内容是牛津英语2B第二单元第三课时的内容,本节课中,句型lookat… It’s…and….的练习和运用则既是重点,也是难点.为了让学生能较好地把握新词句,我运用多媒体动画课件教学,并采用分层教学的方法,突出了重点(句型学习:模仿——跟读——纠正——巩固——运用),突破了难点(句型与对话:找个别同学读,让同学一排一排的读——二人合作意义操练,教师引导说——半扶半放说——自由说),让学生的学习有据可依、有梯可爬。 本节课虽然在精心的设计下,产生了师生互动,基本完成了教学内容,但还是存在着一些问题: 学生个体差异考虑不周——备课,要备学生。 备课时,我


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