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教 學 主 題 教 學 目 標 教 學 資 源 生 日 聯 想 生 日 意 義 慶 生 方 式 慶 生 方 式 慶 生 會 - birthday parties 生日禮物 birthday presents 生日願望 birthday wishes 生日卡片 - birthday cards * * 1.說明「生日」的意義。(meanings of birthdays) 2.簡介現今的「慶生」方式及活動等相關內容。 (ways of celebrating birthdays) 3.讓學生分享、瞭解彼此過生日的情形。 (What did / will you do on your birthdays ?) 4.學習使用「電子賀卡」。(electronic card / E-card) 二種簡報軟體 --- PowerPoint & 魅力四射 網路資源(賀卡網站) --- Yahoo奇摩 學習單 Q:「生日」會讓你聯想到什麼? What do you think of birthdays ? 1.媽媽 Mother 2.慶生(會) birthday parties 3.生日快樂歌 the “Birthday Song” 4.生日禮物 birthday presents 5.生日卡片 birthday cards 6.生日願望/許願 birthday wishes/make a wish 7.生日蛋糕 birthday cakes 8.其他 other things - meanings of birthdays - 對生日應有的認知 1.出生日:the date on which someone was born (Example):Mr. Wang was born on May 24th, 1974. 2.增長一歲,應更成熟、懂事,並為自己的行為負責。 3.應感謝媽媽懷胎十月及養育的辛苦。 4.身體髮膚受之父母;愛惜自己,孝順父母。 5.應好好珍惜生命,把握時間,做些有意義、有價值的事情。 「生日」怎麼過?(即活動型態) How to celebrate birthday by different ways ? 1.舉辦生日派對 birthday parties - invite some classmates or friends to get together (for eating, singing, or dancing…) 2.聚餐dinner / meal- eating together at home or at a special restaurant 3.唱歌 - singing at KTV 4.跳舞 - dancing at Pub 5.烤肉 - BBQ 6.野餐 - have a picnic 7.其他 - other creative, or special ideas singing dancing 即慶生時,通常會做些什麼事?(activities) What can we do / usually do / or like to do at birthday parties ? 1.唱「生日快樂歌」- Sing the “Birthday Song” 2.生日蛋糕:點&吹蠟燭;切&吃蛋糕 birthday cakes-light & blow out candles;cut & eat cakes 3.許願(三個願望):第一、二個必須當眾說出。 Make 3 wishes - tell the first and second wishes in public; keep the third wish a secret 4.收&開生日禮物、生日賀卡 - receive & open the birthday presents & birthday cards 5.玩遊戲 - play games 6.拍照 - take pictures 7.其他 _____________ - other activities What presents do you want to get ? 1.表達期望(express expectation) 2.畫出或寫下自己想要的「生日禮物」 (draw or write down what you like / want) 3.猜謎遊戲-依提示猜生日禮物(給獎勵)


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