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* While-task procedure 1: 活动内容:学习辅音字母组合cl的发音规律。 活动目的:列举一些以前学过的单词,加深印象。 操作方法:教师示范1到2个,学生自己思考。 * While-task procedure 1: 活动内容:学习辅音字母组合pl的发音规律。 活动目的:列举一些以前学过的单词,加深印象。 操作方法:教师示范1到2个,学生自己思考。 * While-task procedure 1: 活动内容:学习辅音字母组合gl的发音规律。 活动目的:列举一些以前学过的单词,加深印象。 操作方法:教师示范1到2个,学生自己思考。 * * While-task procedure 3: 活动内容:学习周六、周日和周末的表达 活动目的:理解和记忆关于周末的单词。 操作方法:结合话题语境,学生识记单词Saturday, Sunday, weekend。 其他建议:建议教师还是要结合单词卡片,进行比较扎实的机械性操练。 * * * Pre-task preparation 1: 活动内容:欣赏歌曲the music man 活动目的:活跃气氛,引出学习内容 操作方法:学生欣赏 * 不同的活动组成多姿多彩的一周。复习旧知识为下面写作铺垫! * * Clare Clare put on new clothes. The clothes has a plant on the plate. Hoohoo! She is happy and claps, claps, claps. And she wears no gloves clothes plant plate claps gloves Clare clothes … clock clap climb class plate plant … place plum play plane glow Gladys glass glue glad gloves … Module 3 My colourful life 8 Days of the week Oxford English Colourful life at weekend Period 2 Colourful life at weekend 1. Can read and spell these words: weekend/Saturday/Sunday 2. Use these senteces to talk about your /friend's weekend timetable. On…(day), I/She/He …(do/does)... I/She/He like/likes... 3. Sound the words with letters”cl,pl,gl”. Chant again ? ? On Monday, She plays football. On Tuesday, She swims . On ______, She _______. It’s the weekend. We don’t go to school on Saturday or Sunday. Saturday Sunday weekend Saturday Sunday Time morning afternoon morning afternoon Activities Free ride a bike play the piano dance Let me tell you about Kitty’s weekend. On Saturday morning, she plays the piano. She plays it well. How super! On Saturday afternoon, she rides a bike. She likes riding bikes with me. How fun! On Sunday morning, she dances. She is good at dancing. How nice! On Sunday afternoon, she is free. Hoohoo. weekend Saturday Sunday Time morning afternoon morning afternoon Activities Free ride a bike play the piano dance Let me tell you about Kitt


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