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精品文档 数学与应用数学专业课程描述 Course Description for the Mathematics and Applied Mathematics 1. 基本信息 姓名: 学号: 学院:数学与计算科学学院 专业:数学与应用数学 1.Basic information Name: Students No.: College: Mathematics and Computational Science Specialty:Mathematics and Applied Mathematics 2. 教学安排 修业年限: 4 年( 2008.9 —— 2012.7 ) 拟授学位:理学学士 教学计划:公共必修课 53 学分,专业必修课 40 学分,专业选修课 2 学分,校公选课 8 学分, 共 103 学分 ; 2. Teaching arrangements Duration of studying: Four years (From September 2008 to July 2012) Academic degree to be conferred: Bachelor ’s degree of Science Teaching plan: The required credits have totaled 103 credits, in which 53 credits are for public compulsory courses; 40 credits for professional compulsory courses; 2 credits for professional courses; 8 credits for public school courses. 3. 2008.9-2011.1 已修课程描述 3 . Description of the courses which have been completed from 。 1 欢迎下载 精品文档 September 2008 to January 2010 1. 大学英语 College English (9 学分) 本课程是面向除英语专业外的学生的基础必修课。它的总体目标是为 学生打好语言基础、优化学习方法、增加文化积累、拓展逻辑思维能 力,为其毕业后事业的发展提供有力的支持。 本课程传授基础知识 (常 用词汇、实用方法、篇章结构、语言功能等) ,进行全面的基本技能训 练. 1. College English (9 Credits ) The course is an basic obligatory course orientated to all the students but the students who only study English . Its overall target is to supply strong support for the students ’ career development after graduation by laying a good language foun


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