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词汇、句型及单句口 词汇句型积累 1.请允许我介绍一下自己。我叫.,是口译员。 a Please allow me to introduce myself. I am..., the Interpreter. ■2对不起,我还没有请教阁下姓名。 Excuse me. I havent had the honor of knowing you 3我们很高兴能请到您 Its a great pleasure to have you here with us ■4.谢谢您能亲自来接待我 a Thank you very much for coming all the way to meet me in person ■5我很荣幸能有机会再来中国。 a We are privileged to have the opportunity once again to travel in china ■6.能有如此热情的团体参与我们的项目,我们深感 愉快。 a It is delightful to have such an enthusiastic group of people taking part in our project 7.我们十分感谢您们不辞辛劳远道而来访问我市。 We appreciate very much that you have come to visit our city in spite of the long and tiring journey. 8您旅途过得如何? How was your journey? ■9我想把您介绍给 I I would like to introduce you to/I would like you to meet 10.我希望您在这里过得愉快 I hope you will enjoy your stay here 11我相信你们未曾见过面。 I dont think you have met each other before ■12女士们,先生们,我很高兴有此殊荣向诸位介 绍 a Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my great honor to introduce ■13我能为您做些什么? Is there anything i can do for you? ■14我想向您介绍一下我们初步拟定的活动日程。 ■ I would like to show you our provisional(临时的,暂 时的) Itinerary. ■15您满意我们的日程安排吗 Are you happy with our schedule?


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