
词汇学构词法Word FORMATION.docVIP

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Chapter4 Word information II The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word-formation. There is a variety of means being at work now. The most productive are : affixation, compounding and conversion词缀法、复合法和转类法 And there are minor processes of word formation几个次要构词方法: blending, clipping, acronymy, back-formation and words from proper name 4.1Affixation词缀法 4.1.1Prefixation前缀法 Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to stems. 前缀法是在词干上加前缀构词的一种方法。 We shall classify prefixes on a semantic basis into nine groups我们可从语义的角度把前缀分为九类。 1.“negative” prefixes表示否定意义的前缀 prefixes meaning examples a- not,the converse of amoral, apolitical dis- disloyal, disobey in- injustice il- illegal ir- irresistible im- immature non- non-smoker, non-classical un- unfair, unwilling 2.“reversative or privative”(“非”﹑“缺”) prefixes表示逆向意义的前缀 prefixes meaning examples de- reversing the actiondecentralize, de-compose dis- disunite, disallow un- unhorse, unwrap 3.“pejorative” prefixes(贬损)表示贬义的前缀 prefixes meaning examples mal- wrongly maltreat, malpractice mis- bad misconduct, mistrust pseudo- false pseudo-science 4.Prefixes of size or degree表示程度、大小等意义的前缀 prefixes meaning examples arch- supreme archbishop extra- superior extra-strong hyper- extreme hyperactive macro- large macrocosm micro- small microcomputer mini- little mini-election out- surpassing outlive over- excessive overweight sub- below subheading super- more thansuperfreeze sur- over surtax ultra- extreme ultra-conservative under- too little underdeveloped   5.Prefixes of orientation and attitude表示倾向和态度等意义的前缀 prefixes meaning examples anti- against anti-nuclear, anti-government, anti-clockwise contra- against contraflow counter- against counterattack pro- for pro-student, pro-democracy co- with cooperate 6.locative prefixes表示方位意义的前缀 prefixes meaning examples extra- out extraordinary, extramarital fore- front forehead, forearm inter- between,among inter-city, interpersonal, international intra- insid


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