1 工程热力学基本概念 (1).pdf

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基本概念 Basic Concepts Outline 1.1 热力系统 •Definition of Thermodynamic System 1.2 热力状态 •Concepts of State and its properties •Pressure, Temperature and Specific Volume 1.3 热力过程 •Quasi-equilibrium Process and Reversible Process •Thermodynamic Cycle Thermodynamic System 热力学分析的对象叫热力系统。 A quantity of matter or a region in space chosen for study. 系统之外部分称为环境或者外界。 The mass or region outside the System, surroundings and boundary system. 系统和环境(外界)的分界面 叫做边界或者控制面。 The interface separates the system from its surroundings. It can be real or imaginary. Classification (热力系统分类) 封闭系统Closed System 按有无物质交换 敞开系统Open System 简单系统Simple System 按能量交换形式 绝热系统Adiabatic System 孤立系统Isolated System 单组分系统Single Component System 多组分系统Multi-Component System 按工质状况 单相系统Single Phase System 多相系统Multi-phase System 有缘学习更多+谓ygd3076考证资料或关注桃报:奉献教育(店铺) Thermodynamic System 封闭系统:与外界只有热或功的能 量交换而无物质交换的系统。 Mass cannot cross the boundaries of a closed system, but energy can. 因其质量恒定,又叫控制质量系统 (control mass) 。 边界可以是固定的,也可以有位 移或变形的。 A closed system with a moving boundary. Thermodynamic System 敞开系统:与外界既有能量交换又有 物质交换的系统。 Both mass and energy can cross the boundaries of an open system. 因其体积固定,又叫控制容积


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