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工程热力学 Engineering Thermodynamics 绪 论 Introduction • What is Thermodynamics? • Basic principles of thermodynamics • Brief History of Development • Application Areas of Thermodynamics • Study Method • Text Book Reference Books • Course Requirements What is Thermodynamics? Thermodynamics Therme + dynamis (in Greek) Thermo + Dynamic(s) (in English) (heat) + (power) the science of energy 热力学是一门研究能量、能量转换以及与能量转换有关的物 质性质之间相互关系的科学。 工程热力学主要研究热能与机械能和其他能量之间相互转换 规律及其应用的基础学科,是热力学最先发展的一个分支。 有缘学习更多+谓ygd3076考证资料或关注桃报:奉献教育(店铺) Basic principles of thermodynamics The first law of thermodynamics The conservation of energy principle Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only change forms. 能量既不会产生,也不会消 失;它只会从一种形式转化 为另一种形式。 Basic principles of thermodynamics The second law of thermodynamics Energy has quality as well as quantity, and actual processes occur in the direction of decreasing quality of energy. Heat flows in the direction of decreasing temperature. 热量自动地沿着温度下降的 方向传递。 Brief History of Development Thermodynamics did not emerge as a science until the first successful steam engines in England by Thomas Savery in 1697 and Thomas Newcomen in 1712. The first and second laws of thermodynamics emerged simultaneously in the 1850s, primarily out of the works of William Rankine Rudolph Clausius Lord Kelvin The term thermodynamics was first used in a public


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