涉外模拟导游 Greetings Task 8 Greeting.ppt

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Task One Greeting Greeting General Objectives Pre-Activity In-Class Activities Warm-up: Test Your Hospitality I.Q. Each question has one or more correct answers: 1. All tourists should be greeted by: a) a warm friendly smile, b) a high pressure sales pitch, c) an indifferent attitude. 2. A tourist is: a) valued only for his/her money, b) a uniquely different type of person, c) a welcome guest visiting your community. 3. Most tourists appreciate it if you: a) volunteer information even though it may not be requested, b) ignore them unless they ask for your help, c) tell them all your personal problems. 4. The name of the tourist game is: a) money, b) endurance, c) human relations. 5. Your attitude toward tourists: a) is not important to your community, b) is a signal of how enjoyable their visit is going to be, c) can easily be hidden from them, d) speaks louder than your words. 6. The way to deal with a demanding tourist is to: a) treat them the same way they treat you, b) yell at them if they are behaving rudely, c) smile and be patient with them. 7. Your appearance: a) has very little to do with how visitors treat you, b) is a reflection upon your entire community, c) is nobodys business but your own. 8. Tourist employees and businesses must: a) cooperate and work together for the benefit of all, b) do their own thing and ignore everyone else, c) make negative comments to tourists about other tourist businesses. Answers: 1-a; 2-c; 3-a; 4-c; 5-b and d; 6-c; 7-b; 8-a. Scoring: Give yourself 2 points for each correct answer. The highest possible score is 18 points. Question number 5 is worth a maximum of 4 points or 2 points for each correct letter. All other questions are worth 2 points each. 16-18 points Excellent hospitality I.Q. 12-16 points Very good hospitality I.Q. 8-12 points Some improvement needed. 0-


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