新视野大学英语第三版第一册第四单元Section B 课堂.ppt

新视野大学英语第三版第一册第四单元Section B 课堂.ppt

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一直很害怕 某人 / 某物 (lived in terror of / gang of /robber) Everyone for miles lived in terror of the gang of robbers. live in terror of sb. / sth. 短语逆译 短语应用 方圆几英里的人们一直都很害怕这伙强盗。 意群提示 Language focus Practical Phrases 31 不再听;不再想 turn off 短语逆译 (take no interest / turn off) I take no interest at all in what they are talking about, so I just turn off . 短语应用 我对他们所讨论的事情毫不感兴趣 , 所以不再听他们 说话。 意群提示 Language focus Practical Phrases 32 一连串,一系列 (事件等) (signing up for / optional course/ time schedule) I want to build a career, but not just have a string of meaningless jobs. a string of 短语逆译 短语应用 我想要创建我的事业,而不是做一系列毫无意义的工作。 意群提示 Language focus Practical Phrases 33 抢在…前面 (aimed to / South Pole / beat him to it) Scott aimed to get to the South Pole first, but Amundsen beat him to it . beat sb. to sth. 短语逆译 短语应用 斯科特原打算第一个到达南极,但是阿蒙森却捷足先登。 意群提示 Language focus Practical Phrases 34 使停止;使暂停 ( general strike / production/ brought to a halt ) During the general strike, production was brought to a halt . bring sth. to a halt 短语逆译 短语应用 大罢工期间,生产被迫暂停。 意群提示 Language focus Practical Phrases 35 挤满;占满;装满 ( bar/ fill up with /local resident ) At night the bar will fill up with local residents ending their day. fill up with 短语逆译 短语应用 到了晚上,酒馆里就会挤满结束一天工作的当地居民。 意群提示 Language focus Practical Phrases 36 冲破;突破 ( fearless sacrifice spirit / firm determination/ breaking through ) With the fearless sacrifice spirit and the firm determination, our troop had little difficulty in breaking through the enemy lines. break through (sth.) 短语逆译 短语应用 凭着大无畏的牺牲精神和坚韧不拔的毅力,我们的部 队轻而易举地突破了敌人的防线。 意群提示 Language focus Practical Phrases 37 放手,松开(某 人或某物) ( let go of / target ) Never let go of your target, and you will eventually get near it. let go of (sth.) 短语逆译 短语应用 绝不要放弃目标,这样你最终会离它越来越近。 意群提示 Language focus Practical Phrases 38 Language focus Functional Patterns Functions Usages 1. sth./sb. is/do … , and is/do … , but … , it is/isnt enough. 用于表示“在特定情况下, 某人或某物做…事情足以 / 无法达到一定效果 ”。 2. as adj. as sb./sth


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